
Alright Yankees Fans: What are our chances of making playoffs?

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An Honest NO BS assessment. None of that blind faith fanboyism stuff.

We are all die hard fans, and sometimes reality kicks in and we have to accept it.

So what do you think our chances of making playoffs?




  1. I'm a huge Yankee fan.  And to be honest, I think it will be hard for us to get in the playoffs.  But I think we can do it.  The problem is that last year and all the years before, Boston was our only competition.  Last year the Rays had the worst record in baseball so the only team ahead of us was the Red Sox.  So the Sox finished in first and we took the Wild Card.  But now we have two teams ahead of us.  Tampa Bay no longer sucks so we have to worry about them and Boston.  But I have faith.  I HAVE FAITH!

  2. Part of being a fan is having "blind faith fanboyism stuff." I'm not giving up on my team until they are mathematically eliminated.

    I will admit that the chances of them being mathematically eliminated are huge if they mess up these two series they're playing against the Jays and O's.

  3. I'm not a yankee fan but there chances are 0% because there close into fourth place.

  4. not great id say. cuz i doubt theyll win the AL east cuz they have to compete with the rays and redsox. the onyl problem for them to make the playoffs then is to win the wild card, which is also tough cuz then they will have to compete with the red sox or rays (which ever wwon doesnt win the AL east), and other teams in the American League

  5. About the same chance the Tigers have of making the playoffs.

  6. id love to say above 50%

    but i have to say pretty low unless melky cabrerra's time in the minors gets him out of his big slump and cano starts hittin like ROBINSON CANO should hit and rasner starts pitching better and stars winnin games cuz he starts and relieves so he'll get some playing time also i think if mussina, pettitte and mariano rivera keep up there steller play they could make a run but with the way there playin now its below a 40% chance

  7. 10 percent chance

  8. Yanks are done.  Through.  Finished.  

    As long as Baby Steinbrenner keeps making excuses for the team, they'll continue to suck.

  9. No chance.  The Red Sox and Rays are just too hot.

    The Yanks will be a day late and a dollar short.

  10. Not this year!

  11. Accept it.  $209 mil down the drain.

  12. no playoffs in 08 for the Yankees

  13. i think we have a 50/50 chance the pitching doing pretty good the hitting seem to be coming together put them two together then we can make it

  14. no playoffs this time  

  15. -o% chance..

  16. Not a fan, but I would say wicked slim!

  17. i think we still have a shot at the playoffs, but we need to win as much as possible and we need boston, minnesota, and even tampa bay to lose some games... next season, cashman really needs to try and get teixeira, manny, or sabathia... we need strong starting pitcher in order to be as successful as past yankee teams

  18. Well if they keep on scoring not consistent with that and cant Pitch and not win against team they need to win this October we will all be sitting at home not Watching the Yankees

  19. dude theirs no chance this with all the injuries

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