
Alright everyone help me. How do I get out of this situation? (Please read whole thing)?

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Alright. A year ago I met this woman, she is a Taurus, she is 17 years old, very attractive, but anti-dating by personal choice. At the same time I met this woman, another man came along and met us, he is 20 years old, has dating problems, a stalker, but me and him got close to the girl. After talking that guy has been trying to convince her to date him, but she says no, so I tell him to stop and that it is her life, and she doesn't need to be happy by finding a love partner and true happiness comes from within of loving oneself. He disagrees, but we still end up pretty close along the year. Yesterday I was talking to him and he said that the girl should experience dating and s*x to be happy, and I told him again, you cannot force no one to do anything. He disagreed. So because she is very attractive he says he is going to meet her at her house and rape her because she trusts him and that they are close. I become angered. I always defend my friends while putting my life on the line.




  1. Call the cops, and before they get there, call up Phillip Marlowe just in case.

    I am selling this, and I am asking $1,000,000 but I will consider all reasonable offers:

  2. Go to the cops right now.   Don't kill or rape anyone.

  3. OMG! what drama, i dont believe this it is so horrible! you must be joking right? if not I wish you strength courage and power to do what is best.

    i think you are thinking along the right paths, but you are emotional right now and are thinking a little crazy. you are thinking with your heart and want to act on pure emotions (like the typical scorpio you are LOL). but this is no laughing matter anyways so listen and take my advice into serious consideration ok.

    you cant call the cops until a crime has been committed or is in the process of being committed. sure you can file a report and so they will have a heads up for when it happens but that will only get you so far.

    you could meet him at the scene and stalk this girl until it happens to protect her but things could get ugly and could be a waste of your time.

    you need to tell her. I know she won't listen, so here is how you tell her. write it out on a piece of paper. use quotation marks for what he said and write out EXACTLY what he said using the EXACT words he said. give one copy to her, give one copy to the police, one copy to your boss and hold onto one copy for your records. once she has read what you have written tell her how you feel. she is a stubborn taurus and won't believe it so tell her to monitor his actions and think about what you have said seriously. explain to her that you are seriously concerned for her safety and that you are not acting off of jealousy.

    it does sound to me like this guy is talking out his *ss, but you can never be too sure and it is best to be safer than to be sorry.

    if you can, the best thing to do is to pretend to want nothing to do with it. if he knows you know when he will do it, then he won't do it then. see what i am saying? he wont' do it when you know he will even if he pretends to let you in on it and do it with him as a partner. no one is that stupid, especially since you said you would call the cops on him already.

    pretend to not want to know anything about it. he brings it up, you don't even want to hear about it. but make sure to tell her what is going on, so if she sees you hanging around her house she doesn't freak out and will know you are just protecting her. keep close eye on this guy and make sure that if you can catch him in the act, or the potential act that you are ready to fight and take him down until the police get there.

    you don't want to shoot him. you just want to have him at weapons point until the police get there. she can move and go under protection programs while he is in jail so that when he gets out he can't find her or hurt her. but if you shoot him you will be the one in jail, and who will protect her then? who will suffer in jail then? it would be you not the real criminal. so dont shoot him you will only ruin your life for a stubborn girl who won't listen to reason.

    if you have a gun and catch him trying to hurt her then trust me, he will do what you say and not try to run. you can hold him until the police come and take him away. if tries to run then shoot him in the leg, he will stop and you wont be up against murder charges for it.

    if you tell her and she refuses to believe you, then maybe you can 3 way call this guy with her on the other line just listening to what he has to say and you can bring up the rape and talk like you want in on it. just so she can hear it with her own ears.

    or you could tell her to go on a date with him (just a date ) so she can see for herself how dangerous he really is, and follow them the entire time(in secret). that way you can be sure to catch him in the act and can be sure to be present to prevent it.  

    good luck, and don't sacrafice your life for this girl by shooting this nut job guy.

  4. Your two options are not really both options. The first option of calling the cops will get him arrested. Yes, he will probably get out and try to rape her again. In the real world, you can't protect her from all the people who would do her harm. If you take the other option and kill him, then you will go to prison. How can you protect her then? No one on here is going to advise anything other than going to the police because we are not going to aid and abet in this ridiculous plan.

  5. Personally,If I ever caught anyone raping one of my friends,I'd beat the S**t out of that guy,tie him up,and take a jagged edge spoon and cut his balls off.I'm not a Scorpio Sun but i am A Scorpio Ascendant with my Pluto conjuncting it.

    But for you sense you know what he's planing to do.Tell her about it.I'm sure she'll believe you,especially if he's kept asking her out and she has said no to him plenty of times.Tell her to get a Restraining order.And if he comes around her you and ur other friends just beat the h**l out of him.Only use a weapon if he has one.Don't be a punk ***** and get a weapon to fight,unless he has one.And then call the police.

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