
Alright i neeed your helpppp pleaseee QUICK! ):

by  |  earlier

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ok my fish is caught behind its filter laying back there just dead! im afraid to touch it but i feel so bad for it! im really depressed please nothing to hurt my feelings!




  1. Im very sorry about that. Turn off the filter and take him out with a net. Don't flush him instead give him a funeral. Sniff sniff. I'm very sorry.

  2. you dont need to feel that bad  the fish is going to a better place just move the filter and check if its still alive and if it inst use a net and scoop him out so sorry  

  3. im with you there, i hate scooping up my dead fishes in the net, i feel so sad (and am a little bit disgsted) but you should use your net and quickly walk to the bathroom and put it in the toilet and flush, if you dont have a net quickly go buy one

  4. is it dead already?

    if so, remove it right away

    if its still alive, add some stress coat or aquiarium salt

  5. If it's already dead just move the filter so it gets unstuck, use your fish net to take it out, and give him the funeral of your choice (don't flush him).

    Sorry for you to lose your fish. :(

  6. just use a net to get him out iguess.

  7. Can you remove the filter and then scoop out the fish with a plastic utensil that you can discard afterwards?

    I assume you don't have one of those little fishing nets for aquariums. They are handy

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