My in-laws decided that they wanted to watch our 8 month old son this week because they were both off from work until Tuesday. We let them watch him for the week, but had them do so in our house since it is more baby friendly.
I have over looked all the messes they have left for me (its fine, whatever, babies are messy). But I had a little freak out just now when my husband called me. He had gone home for lunch to visit and check in and he said his father was cleaning our son up from lunch with a wash cloth (adult, not baby). He asked his father where he got it from and he said, from the shower.
He had taken my husbands dirty wash cloth out of the shower and used it to clean up our sons face and hands. My husband ended up telling his father that he could not do that, to which both he and my MIL asked what the big deal was.
My husband was livid, I am disgusted.
We're both freaking out for nothing, right?
(and do not get me wrong we are very close with them and really appreciate all the love and affection they shower our son with...but this is still just gross to us).