
Alright question about 10 gallon and salt water tank.

by Guest33820  |  earlier

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alright, I wanna put a percula clownfish in a 10 gaillon and I would like to know if I can put anything else in it with it. if so, what kind, and how many can I out in there? thank u!




  1. maybe 1 shrimp and a small snail or two. You really dont have many options in a 10 gallon sw tank. Its just too small. Yes it can be done, but it is alot of work keeping the water quality up to par.  You could have corals and live rock in the tank as well, but for the corals you need the proper lighting which can be costly.

      Things go bad in a hurry in such a small tank. Just something to keep in mind.  

  2. i have a 10 gallon sltwater too and i have 2 clownfish, and a firefish and ive had them for a year and theyve never had a disease

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