
Alright.. so i want a parakeet but im not sure where im going to put it yet.?

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i have three cats so im not sure if they'll knock over the stand or not. so i think i need to hang it from the ceiling. in my front room theres windows and a bird feeder outside.. the only bad thing is the windowsill. so if i hung it out of the way i thought that might work. also getting into this room is open door ways so i thought if u put it near on of those it would get a lot of attention.




  1. well, dont hang it from the cieling and dont put it on a stand. you sould prabably  get a steel cage and put it in your room or were it gets alot of atention but try to put it were the cats dont go a lot. i will also give you some advice on how to take care of the bird and make it comfertable. clean the cage every 3 weeks, talk to it, take it out alot and pet it. this waymyou will be anle to bond with it.

  2. I would keep your parakeet at eye level. I have cats too, but depending on how interested they are in your bird can make a difference where you place it. Because my cats try to open my cockatiel's cage, I keep her in my room with the door closed. If your cats ignore your bird, I would keep him in a busy room so he can be apart of all the action.

  3. Well careful with the cats try to keep them away because the cats could stress him/her out which COULD lead to death. But this happens more with cocktiels. But anyways here is a site that will help you.  also take a look at the left hand side links.....very helpful Good Luck

  4. you should put it in a room that has the most people and maybe a window near by

  5. first of all, the parakeet and the cats should never see each other. the bird will freak out. and i recommend u put it near a window on a stand. also its best to put it where it can see most of the house activities (living room would be best, but not the kitchen for obvious reasons).

    hope this helps

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