
Alright so im having a sleepover birthday party and..?

by  |  earlier

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i need fun ideas. so far, i have some things planned..

we're gonna go to the community pool, then order some pizza and rent movies. but i wanna know MORE fun stuff we can do!

for teen agers~

funn funn funn!

ne ideas?

please helpp, i wanna have the funnest birthday ever!

i dont want ONE boring secondd

so help!!! ;)





  1. When you get back from the pool, have nail polish and fake nails for everyone, and t-shirts and fabric paint so everyone can make there own shirt to wear with there new nails! Then get a few magazines with cute boys in it and rate them.

  2. go bowling! and have pizza there. save goodies for the movies like popcorn and chips and stuff.

  3. do each others hair, makeup, prank calls or prank call pizzia hut and stuff i think hide and seek is fun haha but you prob dont lol. truth or dare but its all girls... thats all i got sorry.

  4. well you guys can do a spa theme kinda thing you can put on some facials and do each others nails hair and stuff like that and go out some where fancy or just stay home and put some music and dance to it! and if your into cooking you guys can bake a cake and decorate it that's really fun if your into that! and you can do some art thing if your into that and there's a Micheal's near you there's fun stuff you can do to paint or design stuff like that and talking at night about what you guys hate and like always ends up on something totally unrelated which is some times pretty fun! i hope these ideas help you! GOOD LUCK! ohhh and i  almost forgot GAMES you need games at your party!

  5. Go to Main Event and play some bowling or Tag then hang out at the pool and cook dinner out while playing video games on a big screen TV.  You will definitely need a stereo system setup by the pool.

  6. Video games, twister, board games, silly string fight, bowling, bake. There is an endless list of things you all could do.

  7. okay idk if your a guy or chick but like its awesome if the community pool has a jacuzzi and put soap or bubbles and like it starts to foam, go tp"ing, egging, dingdong ditching, prank calling, cops and robbers. lol thats totally fun with like a ton of people..

  8. pillow fights, try on one another's clothes, play a board game,watch a movie and eat buttery popcorn, play hide and seek....Happy Birthday and enjoy your evening...

  9. lmaoo =P

    I had a sleepover for my 13th =)

    We went to the mall [you could qive them 20bucks each] and bouqht the craziest thinqs everr! Like wiqs and cheap insanely unique dresses and did a photoshoot at my house! =)

    But theres other thinqs you could do at the mall

    You could do a scavenqer hunt/secret santa kinda thinq.

    Like you qive each person a list of thinqs to buy the other people in the qroup. Everyone ends up happy with somethinqq awesome! LOLS

    Im like...rememberinq it riqht now, it was sooo awesome!

    You could also go in the kitchen and like bake stuff. It doesnt have to be serious jjust to have fun. You could have like douqh fiqhts. Be sure to remind people to brinq cameras! There will definitely be some Kodak Moments!

    Have fun!

  10. prank calls. tee-pee, or make something like cook i mean.

  11. only one word...


  12. of course you gotta play truth or dare!!!

    and a fun thing to do is wet a bra and put it in tha freezer for tha night but you do it secretly to one of your friends bras and then wen they wear it its frozen...i did that haha

    ice cream....pranks.....


    wait..this is a girls party right?????


  14. AWW I ♥ U ALREADY. u sound just lik me. i had sleepovers

    since i was 6-13 n i am

    Well throughout the yrs i had GREAT parties.

    u can:

    play fear factor:

    1)gummy worms

    with hot cheetos in it.

    2)Eat baby food.

    3)Anything else 2 make a

    nasty dish n c who eats it first.

    Have candy prizes n stuff.

    Hide N go seek in the dark.

    Truth or Dare.

    Biggest secrets ever.

    Sleeping bag slide.

    American idol.

    Pillow fight.

    Make ice cream Saturdays or

    whatever day the party is on.






  15. Play some fun and fast paced games like spoons

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