
Alsation/doberman cross 8 years old?

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she keeps l*****g her paws and they have gone a pink colour also the fru which was beige has also stained pink




  1. she might have a sore paw or somthing in it my dog used to do that for no reason at all and we had to use a cream like auquarios cream r sudo cream sort of thing but if u r realy  worried the  seek medical vet advice

  2. thats because she has hurt herself in the foot in between her paws. dust it with mild antiseptic so that it gets well. the infection must be itching . my dog also used to l**k himself whenever he scratched his foot

  3. The l*****g excessively can make the fur turn pinkish in color.

    The dog either is developing a neurotic habit or has allergies.

    Try getting some Bitter Apple or something similar that you can spray directly onto her paws to prevent l*****g. The stuff tastes really bad and will stop most from l*****g.

    If it is allergies you may need to change the food you feed.

    The biggest allergens in dogs foods are corn, wheat and soy products.

    Dobermans are known to have neurotic habits such as flank sucking and l*****g. Most can be helped with training and deterrents some have to be medicated to get them to stop.

  4. Her saliva has made the fur go pink. Excessive paw l*****g can be a sign of an allergy or she may just have got into the habit of excessive l*****g.

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