
Also how do I contact Leo Lecompte, he used to work as a marine in london attached to the US embassy and then?

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Also how do I contact Leo Lecompte, he used to work as a marine in london attached to the US embassy and then?




  1. Edith,

              Carefully write the Embassy and ask the Ambassador

              to foward your coresponding address to Leo.Sure,

              they might be a little (nervous) due to all this terrorist

              hype.But if you are honest in talking to him then they

              should give you a decent reply

  2. 1. Try US Embassey

    2. US Marines & look under Embassey Guards or Security

    3. Contact Congressman???

    4. Contact the VA???

    5. Contact USMC direct.

    His kin???

    His unit???

  3. I doubt he would appreciate your asking about him on the Internet... be a good lass and delete your question.

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