
Alternate/Parallel universes Do they separate and Blend back in ??

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i'm not to sure about parallel universes, where different desisions you make on a daily basis CREATE an alternate universe in the opposite direction.....

So if they are true and you go left at a stop sign, your alternate EGO goes right, but you both get home at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME, do you blend back together ??

And if you Blend back together what happens to the Different bugs on the 2 different windsheilds (although they are the SAME windshield in 2 different realities)

And what determines which UNIVERSE your Current Conscieness stays in ??

your choice of direction yea??

So which Universe does your Current Conscieness go INTO with respect to other ppls decisions???

are DREAMS really your other/alternate Conscienes coming back to you from other Deminsions ??




  1. There are no alternate or parallel universes.

  2. no, all the things you describe are simple psychological reactions to boredom or dreams.  Take it easy, cowboy.

  3. IF parallel timelines exist, they can't ever "blend" back in.

    Life is not like Star Trek.

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