
Alternate for money?

by  |  earlier

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as money causes a lot of the corruption in the world

what can we put it its place which may minimize corruption

please think and reply




  1. Money is not what corrupts, nor is a gun what kills.  As long as there is the human factor you will have these issues.

  2. Civilization needs money to run. There are two possible alternative I can imagine.

    (1) Barter economy.

    (2) Perfect Communism. The entire society is basically run like a military camp, with each person being given a certain ration of goods and services in exchange for doing a certain amount of work.

  3. if u free the world form black hand of money,u have to make a eqal socitey (there no divide in rich people and poor people).then u can vanish money from the world.

  4. love.


  5. Love and barter.

  6. We could always return to the barter system.
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