
Alternate global warming causes?

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Aside from CO2 emissions and the greenhouse effect, what are some other possible causes for global warming? I can think of the hole in the ozone layer and then theres the argument that it may be a part of the Earth's natural cycle. Are there any possible causes? Any ideas are welcome, I need ideas on a paper Im writing.




  1. What Jim Z said..

      Oh yeah, and farting..  Source: Southpark

  2. I read recently that sunspot activity seems to have an effect on global average temperatures.

  3. Another one is black soot from various burning processes.

    We KNOW it's not changes in the Sun.

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar

    climate forcings and the global mean surface

    air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A


    News article at:

    Interactions between the ozone and global warming exist, but they're very small.  This is one time the Wikipedia article is excellent (as they are sometimes).

    "Although they are often interlinked in the mass media, the connection between global warming and ozone depletion is not strong. There are four areas of linkage:"

    But man made greenhouse gases are the biggest cause.

  4. Methane, it's a meaner greenhouse gas than CO2.  And when CO2 warms the tundra a bit, it releases the trapped methane and making the problem worse.

  5. There are a number of natural factors which have historically caused climate change on Earth, such as changes in solar output and variations in the Earth's orbital cycle around the Sun.  However, those have been ruled out as causing the current global warming.  See the link below for details.

  6. Earth's orbit, sun spots, ocean currents.

    The one thing that has not been shown to effect climate is man. No study shows man has significantly altered the climate.

  7. There is a natural cycle that results from the variations in our orbit and axis of rotation.  There are numerous solar cycles that account for changes in temperature.  There geologic events such as volcanic explosions.  There are variations in clouds, water vapor, amount of ice covering the surface.  There can be changes in ocean currents and temperatures.  The amount of plant life might have some effect (both marine and terrestrial).  Human creations such as cities and streets might tend to increase the temperature, albeit slightly.   I don't think the hole in the ozone affects temperature to any significant degree.

  8. jim Z is right.  and when you add to that the gas given off by, you know, beans, and other gassy foodstuffs, it all adds up to warm up this globe more even than anticipated by anyone up until the present.

  9. Isn't there some huge molten thing in the center of the earth that shifts over the eons and will even eventually effect which way compasses point ?

    Aren't there solar flares that appear to be on a cycle ?

    If man is causing this, dont most people live in big cities near the ocean's ?  And if the ocean's rise and flood these cities ?  Hmm, maybe Earth is taking care of itself.

    Wasn't Al Gore the guy who carried the torch for the Y2K Scare ?

  10. Vagaries of the sun itself.

  11. The Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) occurs roughly in 25-30 year cycles, they are clearly visible in the instrumental surface record. From roughly 1910 -1940 the PDO was in the warm phase then switched to the cool phase (1945-1977) and then back to the warm phase in 1977.

    The PDO is in it's cool phase currently, but the difference now is that the sun is currently in a period low activity which will cause this PDO cool phase to be much more extreme. The last PDO cool phase occurred during a time of very high solar activity.



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