
Alternate history machine: Wouldnt it be cool if there was some sort of supernatural computer where you could

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enter some alternate event in history and then it would play out all its consequences up to present day.

So eg, you would tell it that US consitituion was never adopted or england won revolutionary war, --then the computer tells you how this plays out in geopolitics right up to 2008.

wouldnt that be amazingly interesting?




  1. Yes, it would be interesting. But remember too, that even the best and most advanced computer could only speculate a history. There are simply too many variables that shape history, and no computer could calculate history.

    Let's take something like the sinking of the Titanic. Tragic indeed. But think of this. Is it possible that a future U.S. President went down with that ship?  Or the most notorious criminal in history? You see. We can never know, so a computer could never know either. Good question and insight.

  2. Fun and a bit scary too.

    You could always be the first to make a program like that but now that you have put it out there it won't be long till someone else does it so you had better hurry then.

  3. That would be really awesome! With today's technology, anything is possible. Go for it! See ya! BTW, that's a great idea!

  4. Go for it - - - invent  - - - actually computers already exist so all you would have to do is create a software program that would gather up data, crunch the facts and spit out a viable scenario.  As for truly altering history - - - you and most all of must might not exist if one small fact was altered in the past so be careful what one wishes for.  But yes it would be 'cool.'


  5. VERY interesting. I have often thought about that. What if Rome was never built, and some other society gave us the items wer use today? What if the ancient Chinese dynasties DID conquer the entire world? What if the Bering land strip never sunk into the ocean? What if something bad happened to Jesus? Extremely interesting.

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