
Alternative Families?

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What is your opinion toward same s*x couples adopting a child?

Some believe that it is wrong as a child should have both a mother and a father figure however, if a child is loved unconditionally, does it matter who his or her role models are?

I am asking this as my father strongly disagrees with 2 men or 2 women raising a child, however...80% of my friends are homosexual and so I understand that sometimes adoption can be the only option




  1. If a couple is able to provide a safe, stable and loving home  as well as meet the unique needs of an adopted child, then their sexual orientation should be an issue.  Or race, religion or political persuasion, for that matter.

    I should add that I advise single parent adoptions to ensure that the child has healthy role models of the opposite gender of the parent, so likewise, same-s*x couples should ensure that the child has role models of the opposite gender as well.

    ETA: Er, sexual orientation should NOT be an issue.  Left out a key word there!

  2. It's wrong to keep foster kids running in and out of over crowded foster homes, feeling unstable and unloved, when there are caring people out there who want children.

  3. Anyone that has a normal salary and a decent house with a loving family, ( even if not right ones ) or mother / father is better than a Adoption Center / Care Home

  4. I am probably a rare person who has experience of adoption with same s*x couple - not myself but my goddaughter.  She was adopted as a 4 year old and she has struggle to cope with having two mums - she had a wonderfully happy childhood and was a very contented and confident child but she is 14 and i think the issue is not just that her parents are lesbians but the fact she is adopted and a teenager as well.

    i don't think many people understand the trauma an adopted child goes though with growing up as a rejected child.  Adoption is not only the beginning of a new family it is rejection as well by birth parents and foster parents.

    I am 41 year old who was adopted at birth and can now look back and see it has affected every relationship i have ever had as i struggle to believe i am lovable when the only person in the world (my birth mother) who is supposed to love me doesn't.

    I know that my goddaughter has benefitted enormously by being adopted by her mummy and her mama and not left in a children's home or a foster home.  They are equal to a mum and dad and should not just be chosen because they are better then a foster home

  5. I think its fine, but would prefer it if the child had a role model of the other s*x too. So if he or she is adopted by two men, then do your best to give s/he a female role model.

    Like if the kid's black and is adopted by a white couple, then it would be best for the kid to know some black adults too since they'll have experiences that the whites don't. Does that make sense?

    But there will always be children who need adoption, so as long as the adoptive parents are educated about adoption and do their best to provide the child with relevant (& preferably long-term) role models, then I'm not too bothered about the parents' sexuality, race, etc.

  6. I think it really all depends....

    I do know that when children from Foster Care are old enough to talk and express a FEELING of what they would want for their parents or their family that the Child is given a Vote....

    Many same s*x couples believe that they should be placed with a Foster child that needs a family and that by going to the foster care system they will have a child placed quickly... It is often a sad realization that the children's caseworkers WILL consider the expectations of a child when deciding on where to place a child....

    This often means that same s*x couples do wait as long and in some cases longer then other parents interested in adopting.

    Our daughter was 5 when she was placed with us. She was specifically asked, "What do you want for a Growing Up Family?"

    Her answers were:

    A Mom, A Dad, A big Sister, A Cat and a Swing Set...

    We did have to erect a Swing Set in five feet of snow before we were permitted to meet her....and she would Not have been placed with a family that didn't have a Mom, Dad, Big Sister, Cat and Swing Set....

    It has been found that the BEST way to have a child deal with the more difficult adjustment and attachment is to place them into a family that does meet the child's expectations....


  7. My family is hte same way and my Best friend is a L*****n. I think that it should matter on the amount of parents, if they're safe, fed, clothed, sheltered, and loved who can ask for more?

  8. We are talking about a child!!! they need love, specially if they are adopted!!, I say its better to adopt, than to plan it with a 3rd person in a relationship.. if it is a strong relationship, and they are both good, their sexual preference should't matter. the kid will be rised as a loved child, his preference has nothing to do with who their parents were... there are a lot of single mothers, that live with their mother, and the child seems to have 2 moms right? so, i don't see why it is wrong.. All the opposite.. Adopting is an act of love!!!

  9. i don't disagree with it but if i am honest i dont think i would like to have same s*x parents, its just my opinion, however, as long as the child is loved and old enough to understand and be OK about the situation then it is not a problem.

  10. I agree with you that if a child is loved unconditionally it should not matter whether they are in a single parent family, a traditional family, or a same-s*x couple family.   I know a g*y couple who adopted a beautiful little girl from overseas, and this child is happy and well-adjusted in her loving family.

  11. as long as the child is love ,cared for and in a good environment what difference does it make ,it beats being in care x

  12. i think its fine, aslong as both parents have a stable realtionship and both want a child, their s*x and the fact that they are the same s*x does not make them any less of parents!

  13. I agree with you that if a child is loved unconditionally it should not matter whether they are in a single parent family, a traditional family, or a same-s*x couple family.

  14. Every child deserves a loving and safe home environment.  If a couple who is homosexual can provide that, then I see nothing wrong with it.

  15. i really don't care who is with whom.

    bottom line?  i hate adoption, not same s*x couples.  i adore same s*x couples.

  16. Every child deserves a stable two parent family. As long as they love the child, and are in a permanent, monogamous relationship, it shouldn't matter what gender the parents are.

  17. I don't think a person's sexual preference has anything to do with raising a child. I think that as long as the child is cared for that is all that really matters.
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