
Alternative Medicine - Government against it?

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Seems like no one wants to answer my previous question...

Canadians, what is your view on the new proposed bill C-51?

Here is the link to the proposed bill:

What this is bill is suggesting is to outlaw 60% of natural health products currently sold in Canada, even while criminalizing parents who give herbs or supplements to their children.

This may include blueberries and dandelion greens. Even drying natural herbs in your kitchen could be considered a criminal offense.

From the research I have done, this is being backed up by Big Pharma. Some say that natural and holistic use for treating illness is getting so popular, that some of the pharmaceutical corporations are pushing the government to step in, thus this bill.

Here is the link to a site against the bill:




  1. The government want to control it so they and the pill company's can make even more money.

      If they can't class it as a drug in the USA the FDA can't control it and then outlaw it,  The big drug companies are making $billions all ready in profits and want to make even more by forcing the people to buy their man made pills.

      Doctors are trained to push pills and ignore natural medicine so people wont get well and they can keep the patients coming back for more pills .  Have you seen a MD actually cure someone lately ?

      The  drug companies finance the medical schools so they dictate to push the pills and that is how the doctors are trained.

      That is why the government wants to regulate and out law natural medicine.  The Drug lobys pay big bucks to the government.

  2. Something like this will never be passed, how can it?

    Very easy to grow such things as dandelions, heck where I grew up we were trying to kill those things, they are weeds!!

    Can you just see them going to everyones houses  cleaning yards up, weeding etc lol.

    They do do things that are laughable don't they?

  3. yes,the government is against it.if it was legal they wouldn't make money.

  4. i am not canadian and i didnt go to the link so i didnt read any of it but what you are saying is awful!!!!!! I really hope it doesnt happen. I am on your side all the way from Australia!

    Natural medicine is the best.

  5. This is very scary and the U.S. is also buying into this via the WTO. Take a look at the site under the guise of Codex aluminatarius. Folks we all better wake up and start fighting for our health and our freedoms because we're all selling them to the big corporations, that really run this and other countries...They're looking out for their own intrests. The president is just a puppet on strings, Big Pharma says you better do this or will pull all those great big checks! Big agra, ditto and all the other Dow companies now go and do your homework and start being informed!

  6. Wow.  I didn't know it was getting that bad in Canada too.

    Here in the U.S. nearly every politician is taking money from the pharmaceutical industries and the insurance companies.  

    People just keep getting sicker, and they take more drugs, and get sicker, and take different drugs.  This cycle of stupidity is killing people, yet natural health practitioners, like chiropractors, are under constant attack.

    I hope it doesn't pass- we keep talking about moving to Vancouver!

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