
Alternative Medicine for Cat with Carcinoma?

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I am doing all the steps I can to help my kitty who has carcinoma (he can't have surgery and he is in now for possible chemo), but I want to know what are the best methods of alternative medicine I can look into to help his quality of life if not actually help to regress his tumors?




  1. I am not a vet, but a medical student with some knowledge of alternative medicine. The following will help give your cat with the best possible chance of surviving:


    Oxygen Therapy

    - First filter your tap water, buy a good water filtration system, preferably carbon-based filter; one that removes 99% Chlorine {which is a cancer causing chemical, carcinogen}, 99% Fluoride, Heavy Metals, Pesticides, Herbicides, Bacteria, Drug Residues <>.  

    If you cannot afford a water filter, then purchase distilled water.  Avoid the Reverse Osmosis Filters, these acidify the water, which is bad for health. I personally, got myself a bargain of ebay, and fitted it myself, it's easy:

    - Consider supplementing with 'Oxygen Elements Plus/Max' drops by GHT, you add this to the drinking water, if diluted correctly it cannot be tasted, if not a sour taste presents. The maximum dose per day for humans in 30 drops, i would estimate, due to the size of the cat, about a maximum of 10 drops per day for carcinoma, this will be given 3x daily in the water bowl, 3-4 drops, assuming your cat drinks all the water.

    A cheaper alternative, yet as, if not more effective that Oxygen Elements Max is Hydrogen Peroxide {H2O2, water with an extra oxygen atom}, strictly Food Grade 35% {this is the type permitted for internal use}. This is very cheap, about £22 for 500ml from -

    Contact ECHO, Educational Concern for Hydrogen Peroxide {H2O2}, The Centre of Information for Oxygen Therapies, Woodside, Melmerby, Ripon, N. Yorks, HG4 5EZ;  Tel: 01765 640798

    Please see:

    The human dose is 25 drops daily max, I reccommend, 12 drops daily max for your cat, added to drinking water in doses of 4 drops per water bowl. Also add Baking soda {Sodium Bicarbonate}, add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to the bowl of water. This will increase oxygen as would the H2O2, cancer cells are anaerobic, and grow and thrive in a oxygen-depleted environment, cancer cells cannot thrive, and dislike an oxygen environment. This with the experimental chemical DCA may cure the cancer, more on DCA later.

    According to the book called 'The pH Miracle' by Dr. Young MD. Cancer patients usually have an internal acidic environment, ideal for cancer and pathogenic microbes to thrive. So the baking soda in water will also alkalise the water, and help restore your cat's pH to a natural alkali state of {pH 7.35 to 7.45}.

    It is worthwhile for you to research oxygen/ozone/bio-oxidative therapies further, and even find a holistic vet who may give H2O2 IV {Intra venously/injections}.


    Rife Technology

    look into Rife technology,,, join the 'Yahoo Rife Group, ElectroHerbalism Group, Bob Beck Protocol Group'

    Buy a PERL from, or find a naturopath/someone that will let you borrow one. Read  'The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing' by Dr. Nina Silver PhD, she talks about Rife Technology and its use on pets, she has some pet dogs herself. The rife Frequency numbers are on page 204. The book is expensive and sometimes hard to get, so i will type the numbers you need to enter into the Rife machine: 55, 127, 304, 462, 590, 644, 660+690+727/728, 787, 852, 856, 880, 901, 1352, 1582, 1820, 2008, 2098, 2104, 2112, 2120 to 2130, 2136, 2144, 2152, 2160, 2168, 2176, 2184, 2192, 2200, 2217, 5K, 9999.

    You can email the author of the book, Nina, she resides on the Rife Yahoo Group.

    I highly reccommend the Rife Technology, as part of the therapies for healing your cat's carcinoma.


    Orthomolecular Medicine

    Put1000mg-2000mg of Vitamin C, as Magnesium Ascorbate powder {biocare brand, or any} per day into the water or mixed with the food.


    Laetrile & Enzyme Therapy

    Look into Laetrile as well, as well as Dr. Hulda Clark's book 'Cure for all advanced cancers', she is a ND naturopath, and has natural remedies for all types of cancers.

    Laetrile is in grass, thats why cat's eat grass, to get the Vitamin B17/Laetrile and sulphur.



    Look into DCA a new drug to restart mitochondria in cancer cells, not on prescription yet, but i heard people are getting their hands on it somehow from chemical companies. Watch this:


    Coffee e***a

    Coffee e***a's are standard protocol for the Gerson Cancer Therapy and Wilson Cancer Therapy, from a google search it is apparant that vets/owners do give e***a's to cat's. The Coffee e***a has been scientifically prven to detoxify the liver and kidney, which is over-taxed in cancer. Source: Dying To Have Known Documentery



    Dr. Mathias Rath, Cancer Supplement protocol, I do not remember exactly, i think it is 1000mg Vitamin C, Lysine, and another supplement, to stop the malignancy in carcinoma. You have t take the supplements in a certain ratio for it to work.

    Virgin Cocconut Oil - This is antipathogenic, anti-cancer, and my cat loves it.

    Kefir - Probiotic milk drink made at home, not sure if cat's will drink this. This will help boost the immune system, and fight the cancer.

    Prepare home-made Organic White meat food for your cat, just until the cat gets better, as this can be expensive and time consuming.

    Purchase a good high-strength Multivitamin/mineral for pets.

    Omega 3 - I reccommend 'Nordic Naturals Pet' specially made for pets, this is pharmaceutical grade and needs to be refrigerated.

    Resveratrol - This supplement has been shown to: inhibit metastasis, inhibits and kills the development of cancer in all three stages/phases: Initiation, Promotion, and Progression, Inhibits the COX-2 Inflammatory response {this will reduce inflammation, and therefore pain from the carcinoma}. You could break open the capsules or grind them, and apply/mix into the cat food.

    AIE 10 - This supplement contain transfer factors, which strengthens the immune system, and helps the body fight the cancer. This was derived from the 1946 Hyperimmune milk patent by MERCK Pharmaceuticals. Look into this patent.

    Also Watch: Jerry Brunetti 'A Personal Odyssy Nutrition and Health' and 'Food As Medicine' .Available on Google Video, Youtube, or from a Bit Che Software Search using Bittorrent to Download.

    Antioxidant Formula - This will quench the production of free radicals, which can case cancer, and aid its progression. This may interfere with chemo Free-radical drugs, ask your vet about this. The other reccommendation should not interfere with chemo, and can be followed together. Your vet most probably would tell you not to bother with most of this advice, due to his/her training at vet school.


    Bob Beck Protocol

    This involves colloidal silver, magnetic pulsar, and a electrification of the blood. I reccommend you look into this. Although the above should work, regardless of this protocol.

    Watch his videos on youtube and google video,


    Other Advice

    I reccommend you find a good Holistic Vet, ask if they have treated carcinoma before, and what therapies they use, and to  ask to see testimonies or talk to owners whose cat's have survived.

    If you do decide to go ahead with the Chemo, then look into  PIT therapy, which involves administering 1/10th of the dose of chemo agent, with a more effective 'kill' of cancer cells.

    Read this article for more info on PIT Therapy:


    Hope this helps, please email me of your cat's progress in fighting the cancer.

  2. With cats as with people, if he's going to have chemo, do not take the chance of counteracting the chemo agents by giving the cat any alternative substances.

    What seems logical or intuitive, can be very bad in terms of its effects.

    Ask the vet for recommendations.

    EDIT: I was not trying to be judgmental. You failed to mention that the cat might not be able to receive chemo in your original post. Please don't be so defensive. Many people try to "supplement" chemo which can compromise the efficacy of the chemo. I really wish the best for you and the kitty. I have 2 myself.

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