My two rats Magic Stars and Rueben developed Respiratory Disease when they were only about 6 months old. I adopted them from the animal shelter when they were 1 year old after they and their brothers had a had course of Baytril that they all reacted to badly - it helped to cure them but they were left with horrendous Baytril burn (scabs and weeping on the skin) that the vet said could only be an allergic reaction? Their adoption papers state clearly that they must not have further Baytril treatment and as recently the disease (which is dormant in all rats after they've had it once) has flared up again, I had them on a course of a different drug similar to Baytril - however it's had no effect, they're still as wheezy and snuffly as they always were and if anything the dropper just made them really stressed out about handling for a long time - though they've calmed down now.
They're coming up for middle-age-ish now, 17 months old, but their sneezing is definitely getting worse and I don't want to use unnecessary drugs and am not keen to try baytril again. I was wondering if anybody knows of or has used any alternative therapies to help with Respiratory Disease such as homeopathic remedies? Or any other Baytril substitutes that are proven to help treat Respiratory? Despite working with rats at an animal shelter, and having them as pets all my life I've never seen rats who weren't almost fully cured by Baytril and am so at a loss of what to do!
Thank you for any help!