
Alternative Vehicle Technology?

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What types of alternative energy sourses are being developed for future cars? How do these energy sourses power the car?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of energy source? Which energy sourses seem most likely to be commonly used in cars of the future?

What environmental, political, and cultural factors might contribute to a desire for cars with higher fuel effeciency or cars that use alternative energy sources?

What factors might detract from creating cars with higher fuel effeciency or cars that use alternative energy sources?




  1. Cars are much more efficient now. The way forward is probably hybrid. We are still trying to perfect the Lithium-ion battery to be used in cars, unfortunately they have a habit of catching fire if over charged. Remember the laptops?

  2. The future in energy is solar based systems. Biomass will be the main theme and lots of small scale other solar systems will be found useful too. But biomass is so good all of human energy needs can be served with no polution and at very low cost.

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