
Alternative education 8th grade ???? IEP?

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I live in chicago and i am getting an IEP done next week the school i go 2 i really dont understand the work at all im in 8th grade and i would really like to transfer my life is miserable everyday im in trouble ...........i would like to attend an alternative school is there a waiting list or what ???? i have ADHD BIPOLAR AND ODD and im very confused in the head a lil bit and i really want to get help it might be best if i go 2 school around children that suffer from the same problems as me and maybe i might get an better outlook on school.




  1. I'm not sure if there's a waiting list, but if you really need help and were already diagnosed, you need to contact either the State's or city's department of education.  They will give you a lot more information and there are certain laws and codes for people with learning disabilities and you should be able to get assistance.  One important thing to know about is George W. Bush's No Child Left Behind Act.  I hope this helps because I know a little bit of what your going through, I have ADHD too and I'm an education major, meaning that I'm going to be a teacher.  GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

  2. I have two children who are on IEPs.  The Individual Education Plan is good because it will be tailored to give you extra help in the areas where you really need it.  However, your goal should not be to go to school with kids like you.  Your goal should be to learn to function in real world situations.  The real world is not an alternative school.

    Definitely get the IEP done, definitely get help from the Special Ed department at your school.  Explore co-teach classes if they are offered.  (A co-teach is a mainstream classroom with both a mainstream teacher and special ed teacher and both mainstream and special ed students).

    My daughter is in 11th grade now and is completely mainstreamed an making As & Bs.  My son is in 7th grade in all mainstream and co-teach and making Bs.  This does work.

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