
Alternative medicine for Fibro? im sorry but i cant believe it, do you?

by  |  earlier

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Ruth, why are you being so sarcastic?

As a FMS & MS sufferer for 20 plus years and some days barely struggling off my couch, BUT have to because i have 2 grade school kiddies, I find your comment very mind boggling!

Sometimes we are forced to "believe" that alternate ways are the only way to go and they are nothing but "placebos!" to waste our hard earned bone weary money we struggle for, as it is!




  1. Do you mean cystic fibrosis? If yes than YES. PPS. Just find out you meant fibromyalgia. Considering that some of the recommended treatment is done with a cannabis and cannabinoids, then "yes" as well.

  2. I would love to think they had one.. but I havent heard of any.. for fibromyalgia. and I cant afford even with my insurance to pay for what is not otc..

  3. fibromyalgia.

    What do you mean by 'alternative medicine'? The phrase means more than one thing.

    The only relief for many fibro patients has been through alternative methods -- medical science is still reluctant to admit it's anything more than a syndrome with no treatment. Pharmaceuticals are acknowleding it better than drs, because they see $$$$. Nutritional guidance and mild strectching are some of the traditional ways of dealing with fibro. Some find relief through acupuncture; other use acupressure.

    If it works for an individual it works. Who asked you to "believe it", anyway?

  4. I am not sure what you are talking about, but if it is what I think, then my two closest friends wouldn't even consider it. They both have fm and it would not even cross their minds to try it despite the severe pain that they endure. Their response would be they have enough problems without being "out of their minds" while trying to function too.

  5. No Im not a believer in the alternative way either.  I also have SLE (lupus) and have had it suggested to me to try it.  I think it is a load of rubbish.  I prefer to stick with the medical profession, but having said that, having the two conditions it's a double whammy!  I'm not good at taking medications, so I only take pain relief meds when I can't handle it anymore.  The cost is phenomenal.  Awhile ago I had a woman trying to get me to spend $300.00 a month on some weird concoction and when I talked to my specialist about it, he said I might as well set fire to my money!  She actually told me it would 'cure' me!  I nearly fell for it too!

  6. I take the "integrative" approach to health.... combining both western traditional and natural approaches to all health issues, preferably natural as it's less toxic to liver/body than using drugs. I also believe the drug industry (legalized drug pushers I call them) are sooo out for money it's criminal.. they invent diseases to rip us off. So... I go the natural route both for health and money reasons.  YES I DO BELIEVE there is an alternative method to healing, you bet I do!! For Fibro... I would do the "anti inflammatory diet"....  Dr. Weil gives an excellent description of it. He is my "health guru", check him out.  It's turning out that inflammation is the basis for disease and it's in all of our best interests to eat this way to prevent disease. I wish you good health....

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