
Alternative medicine ideas needed for a molar infection please read:?

by  |  earlier

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OK, I have a very compromised immune system because I have CFIDS. The dentist found a molar with extensive decay under it, but can't get me in for a week. I am having to spend all day in bed,. what things should I be doing for my body to help it with this tooth infection until I get in next week ? herbs/ tinctures, lots of water , foods ???? thanks




  1. To build your immune system up there is this herbal stuff called thymic formula. It has built up immune systems to were your own immune system starts working. We have a thymus gland that is around the area above the breast plate. it is real big when we are young but the older we get the more it shrinks by 50 it is real small unless you build it up. Go to thymus and check it out for yourself. Another way is  wild organic Oregon oil, it is good for your immune system and your gums.

  2. Find a dentist who can see you sooner. An abscessed tooth deserves immediate attention. No reason you should have to wait.

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