
Alternative medicine: is it credible?

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I'm a reasonably logical bloke and I'm worried that even mainstream alternative medicine (contradiction in terms?) has no plausible rationale, so I can't see how it could possibly work. Take homeopathy. The idea is that you have a poison and keep diluting it till it's diluted out of existence, leaving only an impression of itself. You then give that 'impression' (in water) to someone who's suffering from the effects of the poison and they get better! But firstly there's no scientific basis for this 'impression' and even then, if this worked then we'd be drinking homeopathic treatments for all the world's known toxins when we drank tapwater, after all, that's just purified sea or river water.

Similarly Reflexology. I believe in Evolution, so I think all aspects of our bodies are that way for a reason. So how could our feet have evolved to be a health map of our bodies? There is no reason for them to have!

So, can alternative medicine be effective when it is theoretical nonsense?




  1. I know that this isn't actually answering your question, but this is something that I have always wanted to know. I have a whole list of things wrong with me, and I'd like to try alternative meds....

    My friend had a long term knee problem where he couldn't stand on it at all without it collapsing (it couldn't hold his weight) And he was on crutches for over a year. Doctors couldn't find anything wrong, but took a guess at it and got it wrong. Out of frustration he turned to chinese medicine, and after a few months (and a lot fo cash!) later, he was on his way to recovery.... To this day he swears by it!!! Doctors were baffled but it worked!

    I don't know how it works. And I don't want to think about it too hard. My dad is all into Reki (spelling?) and I don't believe in it personally, but it is strange how it seems to work for some people... I don't know....

    Maybe you should try it and see for yourself... Some things have no logical explanation for, they just work.... Like Mac and cheese..... So wrong but so right!! :-)

    And also, somethings are not accepted points of views or ways of thinking. For example, its easy to say that when you break a bone it grows back and "fixes itself" so to speak, all you need to keep it in the same position for a while... But using the worlds positive universal energy to heal people?? Thats not proven, thats not scientifcally accepted... But it isn't disproven either.

    Keep your mind open to all posibilities... :-)


  2. Your point on reflexology is interesting.  But can you explain how we evolved music?

    It's also important to realise that the efficacy of traditional medicine is vastly overstated.  The recent news on anti-depressants failing to outperform placebo is just the tip of the iceberg.

    As for homeopathy, you won't like my answer.  James Randi tested it and found that as soon as the diluter couldn't differentiate between homeopathic and placebo solutions, the effect disappeared.

    Dean Radin found that blessing food improves its health benefits:

    There may well be something weird going on.

  3. I don't think reflexology is theoretical nonsense. It has to do with survival and the fact our bodies have to have a finely defined communication system to achieve that result.

    We all operate on a system that is heavily dependent on movement intelligence. Movement intelligence is about information sharing. If I have a bum shoulder and I am confronted with a fight or flight situation my response takes into account that bum shoulder.

    The reflexology are not particularly health maps. they speak of relationships. Hans Selye, the famous stress researcher talked about the General Adaptive Stress Response to stress which is our overall response to stress when confronted with a new demand.

    What is overlooked is that he also spoke to was a Local Adaptive Stress Response. Stress responses can be quite specific.

    Our bodies are highly evolved communication systems. One part of the body really does have to share information with each and every other body part to act as an integrated whole.

    Each and every injury, illness, and other insults have to be adapted to in order to survive. To me reflexology charts really are a reflection of the relationship of body parts in an attempt to act as a whole being.

    Kevin Kunz

    BTW There is a lot of research on reflexology.

  4. You should look a bit more for evidence.Most of how it works is belief in it,take the "miracle cure from God"how would that work if you didn't believe in God(I don't so I'm not expecting miracles lol)Most medicines that are tested on humans half are given placebos half are given the drug and sometimes the placebos have a better result

  5. that theoretical nonsense has been used by people for thousand of years where as the "modern medicine" has been in exsistance for basically less than a hundred years and is based upon the theorys and practices of herbal and natural medicines. Do you think that Columbus brought a Prescription with him for scurvy or sea sickness? Or maybe the Pilgrims brought their prilosec RX for after that big dinner with the Indians.

    As for the "Scientific" aspect the attitude should be to embrace the possiblities that lay outside a bottle of pills or a hospital.

    Let me say that if you were diagnosed with a deadly disease "you" would use any and every method to improve, heal or cure yourself. From personal experiance my son had an accident and "science and medicine" told me he will never live, just take him hope and wait for him to die and keep him filled with pills that will basically keep him out of it. Well know what I refused to give up and turned to natural and alternative methods- guess what 20 years later he is still here and doing well.

    Science is great in its place but there are greater things in the universe than those that you can see or explain through studies and clinical trials. Would love to discuss this further if you want.

  6. The problem with the term "alternative medicine" is that it encompasses a HUGE amount of therapies. Some, obviously, have more validity than others. The problem is there is very little money to scientifically research and prove many of these therapies. But you certainly don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. There are therapies that DO work... and there is snake oil as well. It's definitely a "consumer beware" situation. You need to research the modality, talk to people who have used it, research the credentials of the providers (all the valid ones have a certification process), etc. The internet certainly makes such research a lot easier than in the past.

  7. I now go to a Naturopath and wouldn't dream of going back to a medical doctor, unless it's to the emergency room (where I've been quite a few times :)

    I have posted a page on Naturopaths and how they work at the link below.

    Good health and good luck!

  8. 90% of a cure is mental. If these things help people to "cope" with the situation at hand and help them to mantain there day to day happenings then who cares. If you want get technical most perscriptions solve one problem and create 3 more.

  9. I dont think the evidence needs to be scientifically proven, the proof is in whether it works for the patient or not. homeopathy has worked for millions of people for 200 years or so.  I only believe in it because i didnt believe in it when i was given some and was amazed at the results and have repeatedly had good results on myself over 10 years and have witnessed its effects on others.

    Similar with reflexology.

    I dont think you can get more concrete evidence than the direct results on a patient.

  10. I've used homoeopathy for the last 15 years & have never looked back. I have an incurable condition the is totally managed homoeopathically - to take conventional drugs will lay me open to all manner of life threatening side effects but not improve my situation one iota. My condition is life threatening without adding to the problem!! Homoeopathy is free from all side effects. I can tell exactly when a remedy is working & when it isn't. As for people claiming it contains nothing but water, they are clearly ignorant of the facts, haven't considered "looking outside of the box". Science doesn't hold all the answers & I for one do not look forward to the day when science catches up with homoeopathy as it will ruin what is a pure & worthy practice. There are not remedies for conditions & diseases - only for people with illness. The difference is vast. People who haven't had success with homoeopathy just haven't been given the correct remedy for them. It takes years & years to understand the practice - even though I've been practicing it for years, I frequently don't get it right first time. However, I study my patients and my practice & given the right information, I've seen some amazing cures of deep pathology - not just things like colds & headaches. So, in answer to your question - yes - it works but it is not easy to get it right first time.

    Just for the record, I worked in nursing for over 20 years & so have seen both sides of the fence. Conventional "medicine" has its place for sure - but to just dish out drugs all day long, ALL of which have side effects, is not health enhancing. Removal of symptoms alone is not cure. I know that my patients have chosen homoeopathy because of its gentle nature

  11. Don't knock reflexology until you try it, its fascinating believe me and very relaxing. I myself have had numerous positive results from my clients and they have every confidence in me.

  12. herbal medicine is very effective  - after all most conventional medicines are based on plant extracts.

  13. You're only using two examples to explain a very larger and broader spectrum.  I belive in alternative medicine, but I don't really belive in homeopathy or reflexology.  'Alternative medicine" encompasses so many therapies and such.  Some work really well, some or just plain wrong.  You need to look at what works for you and what doesn't.  As with any conventional Dr. you should be doing your own research.  No one can tell you what is wrong with your own body.  You know yourself better than anyone ever will!

    What was our medicine of choice hundreds of years ago?  Herbs and things in our enviroment!  We did have huge pharmaceutical companies telling us what was wrong and selling us a pill for everything, only to make a large chunk of money.  No!  We went out and got our medicine ourselves!

    Hundreds of years ago we also didn't have as much pollution and enviromental damage.  Our food was locally grown and produced, we exercised more and we didn't spend hours doing nothing (TV, etc.)  Alternative medicine is not something in and of itself per se.  It looks at the person as a whole and treats the whole body.  

    For instance, Schmoey walks into a Dr.'s office and says he has pain.  Ok, take these pain killers forever and I'll see you later.  Where as Schomey walks into a Naturopath's (natural Dr.) office and says he has pain.  The first visit is going to gather background and info on Schmoey, family history, etc, to figure out WHY he is hurting.  If it turns out that he's hurting because he isnt sleeping and eating right, then those will be addressed first.

    Its just not something that is easily explained.  Until you've experienced more aspects of alternative medicine you really can't say you don't belive it in.

  14. Alternative medicines are credible. There are theoretical plausible explanations for them too. A patient's aim is to get cured without any side effect & damage to the body  by whatsoever method of treatment. Basic thing behind any treatment is, which particular chemical compound of the medicine used kills which type of germs or cells of the problem. Homeopathic as well as herbal medicines have cured those things which couldn't be done by other methods. Of course, there are incompetent & non experts who treat people without proper diagnosis. For those cases the way of treatment & not the method is responsible. Everyone  tries to show that one's method is best which may not be true.

    Bogus companies of alternative medicines are real culprits.

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