
Alternative power sources.?

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With all the price hikes going on 17% here 20% there, I am looking to take my house from the mains eletricity and gas line.

Does anyone have first hand experience/recommendations of what works in a UK clime.

I have a bit of space for a wind generator but how efficient are they along with cost of sighting etc.




  1. I suggest you start with The Centre for Alternative Technology (website below).

    They are situated in Wales and have been going since 1973 where they have existed without external energy supplies, so they have vast experience on what works best in the UK.

    They have extensive information available, much of it free on all types of renewable energy.  You can also go to the centre and see how these different systems work first hand and talk to the people who live there and use it.

  2. as far as i know the solar energy is the best

    try to make a maximum use of it

  3. We live in the peak district there is farm up the road with a wind generator if you have space for one that is the way forward apparently they are selling electricity back to the grid now!

  4. Surely the best result would be a mixture, as solar won't work with no sun, turbine wouldn't work with no wind, HEP wouldn't work with no water and any other won't work with out the element required.

  5. try www.naturalwatt uk

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