
Alternative to Boy Scouts?

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I would like to either join or start an organization like Boy Scouts. We are opposed to some of that organization's policies, but like the idea of kids getting together for learning outdoor skills. Is there anything else out there that we can purchase some curriculum, supplies, and start a chapter?

BTW: We're already involved with 4H--that's not quite what we're looking for.

Also, it an all-boy organization is great, but if there is one that's co-ed, that would be wonderful.




  1. Best wishes and Good Luck in your efforts.

    I think it is great that you are trying to do this rather than try to change the Boy Scouts.

    Far too many people are trying to change BSA because they disagree with it's policies and standards, which are protected by the Constitution.  Law Suit after Law Suit and the only people who win are the Lawyers.

    People should get over it and move on and do what you are doing!

    Good Luck.

  2. Hello Clambart:

    Try the Young Marines:

    Camp Fire USA (formerly Campfire Girls, but now co-ed)

    You could also find an outdoor store or university outdoor sports group and have them teach your group about the outdoors.

    Scouting is more than just camping & church.  

  3. Check into Boys' Clubs of America.

    There's a girls' club too.

    I agree that some of the BSA's policies are out there.

    I stopped donating to the United Way because THEY support the scouts--I have a g*y son, and the BSA apparently thin homosexuality means the same as pedophilia. It DOESN'T.

  4. explorer scouts. police explorers, firefighter exploers. young marines. CAP(cival air patrol).  

  5. I've found at that Cub Scout is an alternative to Boy Scouts

  6. Are you in the uk? If you are the air training corp is great.... I was in for four years and travelled the world, climb most mountains in the uk and gained a qualification. I also learnt a lot of skills that have helped me later in life such as discipline, leadership and teamwork. It also looks great on your CV

    Best 4 years of my life

  7. sounds like you are looking for the Girl Scouts.

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