
Alternative to a podiatrist?

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Hi does anyone no an alternative therapy that can help with the feet? I am only 32 but am starting to get a bunion and I am unimpressed with the advice offered by the podiatrist. Basically he said there is nothing I can except slow the rate of the deformity by using orthodics. I can't believe that is the only solution.

If it is a bio mechanical problem like he says then surely there are exercises or something else that can help? I was wondering about accupuncture or alexander technique perhaps?




  1. dooblet sees only these alteernatives:

    *****   orthopedic

    **** orthopedist

    *** orthopedic surgeon

    ** orthopaedic

    ** chiropodist

    ** orthopaedic surgeon

    * dermatologist

    orthopedic doctor

  2. Bunions can be caused by a huge range of factors. These may include excessive pronation for example as the result of a tight calf muscle. But there are lots of factors, far too many to mention here. (If this is the case you can do gastrocnemius and soleus it!)

    Unfortunately accupuncture and the alexander technique will not help. The structures are so strong in that area that you cannot prevent the bunion from forming. The podiatrist is correct, the best way to slow this is through orthotics to correct your foot function. You should also ensure you are wearing the correct footwear. This needs to have a fastening and not be narrow at the toebox.

    See an alternative podiatrist if you want a second opinion. But in terms of seeing other medical professionals, they will know nowhere near as much as a podiatrist will about feet.

  3. Feet docs vary radically. Try another. Then another.  Finally you'll find someone to work with you, and really these days its worth it to locate certain specialists.  Ask the medical folk who they see----and if your a senior(alot of advice is free at the center once a month) take your gramma there and ask.

  4. A lot of Chiropractors do a lot of work on feet (I do) including normal mobilization of foot bones, which can take pressure off the bunion, and realigning the pelvis and hip bones, which can also help.

    Good luck.

  5. Well the thing to do is to find a good chiropractor that does adjustments of the extremities.  You will have to call around and find the correct one.  Many chiropractors deal with misalignments in the feet.

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