
Alternative to horse saddles? Treeless?

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My pony Josh is really lovely but sadly he has no withers and is naturally very round. I rode him bareback in a bridle as I was sure he was only playing up due to having a saddle around. We normally put his saddle on first then the bridle and he would chuck his head around and be really moody so I don't know if that's the cause. The saddle has slipped lots of times before but we don't have the money to have a proper fitting for him.

I was wondering if there are alternatives to saddles as I have heard of bareback pads and treeless saddles. What sort of prices are they and is there a good UK supplier? Or a place that will ship them? I really want to help but don't want to pay over 100 pounds?

Is there simply a piece of material that will allow a girth to be attached and stirrups? Thanks :)




  1. I have a friend with a mule that uses a bareback pad with stirrups. But I am not sure what they cost. Maybe you should try and find a used one on ebay.


  2. ust but a good brestplate to stop your own saddle slipping back.

  3. The reason for a saddle having a tree is that it allows the tree to SPREAD the rider's weight so it's not on ONE spot.  I take it you've NEVER seen a bareback sore on a horse's back.

    There's two things you didn't mention.  Using a crooper (Which attaches around the tail and keeps the saddle from sliding forward) and a breast plate (Which keeps the saddle from sliding back).

    Before you go into any costly "fixes" or swapping/selling your exsisting saddle, try a crooper and breast plate.

  4. im in the same position.

    ebay sells alot.

    theres a make called torsion saddle. theyre a synthetic type saddle (the look very western)

    theres heather moffet saddles (very pricey but TOTALLY worth it)

    umm, they're kinda comming into fashion now as most top showjumpers are going down the treeless root. so look out for them! x

  5. At my stables they've got a pony with no withers. they have a saddle which doesn't cover the wither area, it creates a ) shape around the with area. I'll try and find out the make on wednesday.

    Charlotte x

  6. I know you don't want to pay over £100 but if you sell your old saddle mabye you could afford it.

    This saddle is great!

    Also this is a good bareback pad!

  7. Treeless saddles are often a challenge for round horses without withers which is how you've described your Josh.

    It is UNSAFE to attach stirrups to a bareback pad unless you are using the kind of bareback pad that has a real GIRTH (either english or western) whereas most bareback pads just have  buckle strap.

    Cashel makes something called a soft saddle and although I've not tried it myself I have heard good things about it.

    It sounds like your saddle is just not fitting him and the acting up he is doing is out of pain.  Have a vet look at him FIRST and be sure there is not something wrong that even a bareback pad will not help.  Once you are sure he is not hurting you can begin the hunt for a properly fitting saddle.

  8. If you still want to go with something treed, try a balance saddle.  They are very wide and work well on low withered horses.

    I ride in a sensation treeless saddle on my round no withered pony.  This works great and has amazing weight distribution for a treeless.  I know the freeform saddles are made in Europe, so maybe that would be good.  I have heard both good an bad things about the cashel mentioned above.  I have some pretty good connections in the treeless saddle world, so let me do some digging for you. Just so you know, finding a saddle that will cost you less than one hundred pounds is NOT going to be easy.

    Edit: The Trekker and barefoot saddles are also made in Europe

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