
Alternative to suicide?

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Thinking of suicide, like for someone to give me one, at least one good reason that life isn't pointless.




  1. dont be silly, people would be lost without you, think of all the hearts you would break. Lifes to short to waste dont end it.

    my friend died just short of his 15th birthday from a heart defect and now ive realised how i need to live my life not just for me, but in toms memory there was so many things he couldnt do and i bet theres a million things you could do with your life instead of ending it

  2. um think of it yourself think of someone you love that cares about and and doesnt want you to die

  3. because if you come over my house I'll f**k u like never b4.Life isn't pointless because you can find love.I really don't know what your case is to ever make you think about doing suicide,but always think about the good in something.If you want you can email me and we can talk about this.

  4. If you commit suicide all the people who love you will die, figuratively too. I know because some one in my family tried it almost a year ago and failed, and every time I think about it I feel deeply depressed.

    Life isn't pointless it is a beautiful gift from our God; we were created with the desire to live and to enjoy a healthy life. Do not give anyone or anything the chance to cause you to take your own life. If you give yourself a chance one day at a time you will surely find the will to live. Life can be beautiful for you too, everyday is a new day, and remember people care.

  5. Think of your family friends and loved ones that made you smile in the past, it may be hard, but try Think of one moment that really made your day, take your time. When you find it, think about it over and over, you should not allow a negative thought to come in and ruin that moment, just think of all the moments you had in your life, the more you focus on the bad, the worse your outlook will become, and the more you focus on the good the better  it turns out to be. Just remember its all in your head and its not the truth. Its the reality you create in your head, I can tell you from personal experience this will pass, do your best in life, and also don't hold in hurts of the past. I was suicidal for over 10years off and on today I am so glad I never did it and ask my self what the fu**k was I thinging??!?!?!?  

  6. how about you kill someone else, then if you live somewhere like america they'll end it for you.

    everytime i worry about things like suicide i just think of baby animals. i dont know why it just makes me happy  

  7. At least try moving somewhere else and starting over. Thats what helped me and now I have a husband, and a good job, both of which I got where I moved.  

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