
Alternative uses for those Rx medicine bottles?

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I have 2 monthly prescriptions and have wound up with a ton of those clear yellow bottles! There aren't any pharmacies that I know of who can sterilize/reuse these, and I can't bear to keep throwing them away, (trying to live more GREEN-LY). What can I do with them?




  1. Dont reuse them.   There is still a residue left inside that could come out on anything you put in them.   I used to use film containers for condiments when camping until I learned how bad it was.

  2. If you know of any senior arts & crafts programs they might be able to use them.  Same thing with day camp and/or residential camp programs that have arts & crafts.  They're great for storing things like beads, needles, etc.

  3. you can use them for holding paint samples.. art supplies.

    Also things like buttons, screws, pins, earrings.... small things you don't want to lose.

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