
Alternatives are going to rule within 3to6 months oil is going to tumble like no tomorrow.?

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go to the prices hikers and you will see the enemy within , there probley the Arab friends we think we have dopa. the system can't stop alternatives now ? because there won't be no system ,Its a shame it always takes a disaster before our fearless leaders have a steak dinner and discuss it. Where do these bucking people come from. fear not as soon as our officals stop wiping thers pass , there in the corner now , it didn't have to get there .so hang on .




  1. Alternatives will only help if we can get them at affordable prices and use them in the 250 million vehicles already on the road in America.  The transition to a whole new mode of getting around and making electricity will take some time and a lot of hard work and sacrifice, IF inflation and the collapse of the dollar don't push the whole economy into the crapper first.

  2. no that is to short a time frame....

    alternatives are being developed and I dont' think it can be stopped.... once you get the kind of brains working on a problem that are working on this they usually don't stop till they find an answer...

    but there are two possible solutions...

    1) a replacement for oil.. this would take 1 -2 decades... we would have to design not just a productions system for the fuel but a distribution system and phase out all of the existing car engines to use the new fuel; look at the problem they are having with the hydrogen fueled cards they have released.. they can ONLY sell them in two counties in California because those are the only places they can be refueled or serviced..

    2) if someone could design a 1-1 replacement for oil.. a liquid that could go into a cars fuel tank EXACTLY like gas on a 1-1 ratio  this could be rolled out in only a few years because you could use the existing distribution network

  3. So what you are saying Kenny is that Alternatives will save the day within 6 months.I think it may take a little longer than that but when it does take full effect in the community the Arabs will have a nightmare.The price of oil will drop as the demand for gasoline will decline.

  4. What is the question? If you're going to rant, could you please rant in English?

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