
Alternatives to having a male stripper at a bachelorette party?

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My friend wants to do a couples get-together instead of a traditional bachelorette party. Obviously a stripper wouldn't be appropriate (and I don't like that kind of stuff anyway). What would be something funny we could do to liven up the night and make it memorable for the bride and groom to be?




  1. Just go out and have fun! Have some drinks and party. Bachelorette/Bachelor parties don't have to have strippers to be fun. In fact, I don't want strippers at mine. I think it's kinda tacky.  

  2. Take her to a club - JUST a dancing club though, then go with a couple of friends (with her of course) to a slumber party! That NEVER gets old! play some kiddy games, and let her really enjoy what's left of her single life and YET be excited for her new married life! As someone already stated, play some games, like truth or dare and such... have AN EATING SPLURG where you dont care what you eat that night, just as long as your having fun! Get crazy take-outs, or each person in the room cook something during the party OR bring something to the party! Watch a horror film ALSO watch funny movies with all your girlfriends, and have FUN!

  3. You should get a male & female stripper couple just for fun.'

    Call different places. strip shows can be done to turn couples on or just for fun & laughs. . .

  4. If you're of age, drinking games! Make them fun and quick. My friends and I do this and it's hilarious: play Mario Party 8 on the Wii, and each person that loses a mini-game has to take a shot. This way, not only are you laughing because you're drunk, but you laugh because you are losing your desperately needed coordination! Easy games become so much harder! Try to rent some Wii's so there are enough for everyone. Trust me, it's something simple, cheap, and easy to do, and it'll make sure everyone's having a good time.  

  5. Have you ever thought about having a Passion Party? These parties are a lot of fun and you can even do couples party. Here is my website you can look around and see if its something you would like to do. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thanks :)

  6. go to a party store or something like that and buy a few games.  or have a themed party!

    and if you are having it at someone's house have a BBQ and get your drink on!!!!!!

  7. What do you guys like to do?

    DO THAT.

    I've seen a lot of people going to comedy clubs lately.  That's great.  Basicly, what you are proposing you do is nothing more than a "date night".  Find out what everyone wants to do and just enjoy being out with friends.  It will be memorable if you do something everyone wants to try, but has never done before.  Stand up/Improve comedy... eat a a restaurant that only serves desserts...  something new!  Book some time in a private room on a ferry or boat on the water!

  8. Try to get a comedian (stand-up) but make sure somebody whose judgment you rely on has seen the act or at least has an idea.

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