
Alternatives to singulair for 6 year old?

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Due to the new information that Singulair may cause depression/suicidality (I've witnessed my 6 year old say he wished he was dead), I stopped giving it to him. He does have asthma usually triggered by plants, pollen and possibly dander. I'm being told there is nothing else I can give him. Is there another asthma maintenence med I can give him?




  1. I have a son who also takes Singular has taken it for about 6yrs now and he has no side effects. I took him off one time and he wheezed and coughed awful bad.  Dr. said it's the only med. like it.  He was also diagnosed with asthma this year and he takes Advair and an allergy med. that also controls coughs. I have 2 boys who are 8 and 12 and they both have said things like that and I just think it is a stage. When they said it I would just tell them not me because I would really miss them and they eventually stopped saying it.

  2. I am extreemly lucky. My daughter does amazingly on singulair. No ventolin in 2 years yay. There are other preventitives. There is seritide which is good but it did not work for my daughter but it does her best friend. It is a steroid. But what you should do is see an asthma specialist. He will tell you how many puffs how often. And it changes if they are sick to well. Seritide is a mixture of serivent and ventiolin I think it is. I am in Australia so if you are else where is has a different name. But there are alo other preventers. If your doctor is telling you there is nothing else then you need a new doctor. There are plenty on the market

  3. My son takes Singulair and it doesnt do that to him and he is 7

  4. My little brother always used Albuterol inhalers.  He had to take it a few times a day.

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