

by Guest58406  |  earlier

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About a year and a half ago I put a new alternator and battery in my 04 Mazda Tribute, November 06. In August 07 alternator quit, parts place agreed, got a new alternator. This week my charge light kept going on, mechanic said replace battery which I did, he showed me diagnostic check which showed alternator producing. Replaced battery this morning, now alternator shows its not charging! Talked to alternator supplier, AutoZone, they said they would replace if its bad again, but I'm wondering whats going on. Cables seem to be OK but reading at battery is no charge, sticks at around 12.25 when running. Any ideas? Is it normal for alternators, even if rebuilt to last less then a year, or am I beating some odds on this one?




  1. Check the fuseable links. If you happened to jump the car with the cables on backwards a fuseable link will have blown and that will keep the alternator from charging.

  2. NO an alternator should last longer..... I cant stress how important this is but recheck the cable connections.... Especialy the ground wire to the engine block... Remove the grounds - clean them and reconnect...  Have you installed anything like new high power stereo's, Fog Lights or any other electrical items. Is there any evidence a previous owner has messed around with the wiring???  If so look over all the connections to these items to make sure they were done right.....  Also check to see if there is a fusable link between the battery. This link does not necessarily have to be blown or open for the problems you have asked about to happen. I have seen bad connections at the link wreak havoc.....

  3. Sounds like whatever brand of alternator you got isn't a very good brand, and since it's not charging the battery, it's creating a dry cell in it too. If you end up having to replace the alternator again, I'd go with a different brand. Maybe that could fix it. I don't think with your vehicle being as  new as it is, it would be a wiring problem. If it is still under warranty, take it to your local Mazda dealership and have them check out the wiring. I really feel like your problem lies within the alternator though. I feel bad for you though, I know a problem like this is frustrating. Good luck though!

  4. You obviously have a short somewhere in the charging system. Take it to a mechanic that knows electrical systems and he or she can figure out the problem.

  5. You could just be getting bad alternator s at autozone, they sell alot of bad electrical stuff, that you have to keep taking back, also you may have a bad connection somewhere close or near the alternator, also check to see if the belt is good a tight.

  6. yes you got a crappy alternator. your alternaotr should be charging at no less than 13.3v and max of 14.4vdc 12.25 is bad if the vehicle is running and that is the voltage being read. reman alternators suck and new ones are usually pretty good.  try to get one from oriely's they have great stuff. or car quest.  your charge light will not come on from a bad battery being the alternator takes over for the battery when your engine is running. it is a bad alternator.

  7. make sure your alternator belt is tight if you dont have the belt tight  it wont charge and your light will come on, tighten belt
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