
Alternator replaced battery charged just clicks?

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just had alternator rebuilt but car will not start back up. charged battery for three hours(rapid charge) it started on the second click and i let it idle for 30 minutes then i turned it off now it will not start back up just clicks. what could it be now




  1. make sure the negative terminal is grounded to the frame. all wires are tight and not creating bad terminal.

  2. the solenoid on the starter could be bad.

  3. Check the battery terminals are clean and tight.Recharge the battery (check water levels first),then restart the car and take it for a 20 minute drive (no lights,day time only).

    It should recharge if revs are over1000.

    Make sure the alternator dash light is not coming on(if so your alternator is defective or wired incorrectly).

    If it doesn't recharge,you need a new battery.

  4. Defective Starter

  5. that sounds like the solenoid switch on the starter causing that to happen,when they act like that its usually the solenoid that's bad on them,id take the starter off and have a parts store check it id say you might need to replace the whole thing,that's better then replacing parts of it,good luck.

  6. You have a bad solenoid. or bad connection to it. replace the solenoid.

  7. sounds liek a poor connection to the battery cables from when the alternator was replaced and the cable was not properly tightened down. put a volt meter on the battery it should read around 12.5vdc if it does tighten down your battery cables if it doesnt then you have a bad battery.

  8. The battery is faulty.

  9. sounds to me like there is a poor connection at the battery terminals. this could be due to corrosion or just loose terminals

  10. bad starter selenoid

  11. Bad starter or solenoid.

  12. could be starter solenoid or contacts worn on start position of your ignition switch.

    Make sure your Batt terminals are tight and your cables to starter motor & they have no breaks in them.

  13. Borrow a good battery from another car, I think you will find as others here have said. It`s a bad battery. Gone through this several times with the cars in the family.

  14. all of the above , but your starters shot

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