
Although darwinism is proven wrong many a times how come there are scores who still believe in it?

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Darwinism claims that intermediate fossils exist, when they do not ... It offers invalid "proofs." All the fossils discovered clearly verify creation, but it maintains just the opposite. It seeks to persuade us that great artists and brilliant scientists came into existence through a chance arrangement of proteins; the odds against that ever happening are 1 in 10950 - in other words, impossible. It even seeks to convince us that university professors who thus emerged do research

on how they, themselves, came into being by chance!

Darwinists over to you!




  1. I go with Peternal 100% on this one

    It's a pity you can't legitimately report a question for being inane. This is no place for Creationist bullocks, please put this kind of question in th R&S section like a good boy.

    If the theories have such obvious flaws, why is it that no qualifed biologists or anthroplogists believe in Creationism?

    And only a tiny percentage of them will even give intelligent design the time of day. Only religious people that don't properly know the science believe everything magically popped into existance at the whim of a space ghost.

    Evolution in action...

    A NEW species of mosquito is evolving on the London Underground in a  development that has astonished scientists. The insects are believed to be the descendants of mosquitoes which colonised the tunnels a hundred years ago when the Tube was being dug.


    When they went below ground they were bird-biting pests. But over a century, deprived of their normal diet, the mosquitoes have evolved new feeding behaviour, dining on mammals including rats and mice - and human beings. They now plague maintenance workers.


    Kate Byne and Richard Nichols of Queen Mary and Westfield College in London have carried out tests to see if the Tube's mosquitoes, which have been named molestus, are now different from Culex pipiens, the bird-biting species which entered the Underground last century.


    To their amazement they found that it was almost impossible to mate those living above ground with those in the subterranean world, indicating that the genetic differences are now so great that the ones underground are well on their way to becoming a separate species.

  2. That's nothing!  and in keeping with...your "reasoning",

    Although "its been proven many times" by the Southern Baptist Institute for Not-So-Advanced-"Studies".

    the sun revolves around the earth and yet so many liberal scientist still believe the earth revolves around the sun!

    Go figure!

  3. Darwin's theory is about as accurate to what happened as the Iliad or the bible is to what happened.

    Meaning: they both contain many correct ideas; but as many ones proven wrong over time by later science.

    Darwin's basic idea that more complex forms arose from earlier simpler forms is still true.  We know that Bacteria developed and multi-cellular life came forth; we know that one tiny species of animals spawned the Dinosaurs. We know that all mammals evolved froma tiny shrew-like creature.

    We know this because the DNA is so similar; and we can trace the changes in the code which is what drives evolution.

    Think of probabiity this way:

    IF 1 out of 1000 stars have planets

    IF 1 out of 1000 stars with planets have an earth-like planet

    IF 1 out of 1000 earth like planets have water

    IF 1 out of 1000 water planets spawned bacteria

    IF 1 out of 1000 planets with bateria developed mutli-cellular life

    IF 1 out of 1000 of those developed large species of life

    IF 1 out of 1,000,000 of those developed sentient life....

    Go outside, start counting stars- what are the odds that at least one of those stars you can see; which is a miniscule number; have someone far smarter than you on it?  Odds are, pretty good.

    Low probabilities does not mean impossible.  Especially when you factor in sheer weight of numbers.

  4. One reason is that it has been taught in schools as fact, not theory.  Most scientific ideas were the same until some one discovered otherwise.  People used to believe the world was flat and that the health of your body was regulated by 4 types of humors inside of you.  They also believed for a while that the sun revolved around the earth.  You just have to be open minded when it comes to science because things change all the time.

  5. Well, you better hurry and starting digging up Adam and Eve because the other guys have got a big head start.  Peter quotes Psalms and says that God's day is more than a day.  This says that the creation story is symbolism.  Get past the Old Testament and experience a whole different world.

  6. Modern biologists no longer accept the Gradual theory of evolution. Darwin was right about the mechanism of evolution, but he was mistaken about the speed at which organisms evolve.

    Stephen Jay Gould suggested a Punctuated theory - the theory that life evolves in short sporadic bursts - and this has become the generally accepted theory. How fast a species evolves depends on two factors - how fast it is able to reproduce successive generations, and how much of a need there is to evolve as a result of environmental or predatory pressure.

  7. Your an idiot. No, all the several hundred thousand fossil species clearly show an incrementally changing, branching tree of life from the precambrian to present. Most of them belong to "intermediate fossil" species. For some, there are also intermediates between species, although modern day biology as well as geology implies that they should be very rare. Yes, this is against what Darwin predicted, so? Darwin was just the first to propose Natural Selection, he didn't even know about genes and DNA for example. Science has advanced a long way since then. It is completely consistent with what modern evolution science predicts.

    And your "odds", which refer to abiogenesis, NOT evolution and NOT darwinism either, clearly come from the same dishonest propagandist as other unthinking zombies have mindlessly repeated recently. At least they were honest enough gave the "reasoning" behind them (by the way, the odds were supposed to refer to a modern protein forming by chance - you don't even know what you are copying). No theory of abiogenesis says that a modern protein formed entirely by chance, ergo, your "odds" are deception, a lie. But further more, such "odds" ignore the fact that there were millions of years, and squillions of molecules around the earth, ergo, are idiotic.

  8. What a "loaded" question, if there ever was one!

    Sorry to burst your "Creationist" bubble, but the "Origin of the Species" which has led to the refinement of the theory of evolution, is no less of a theory than the "Theory of Relativity", the "Theory of Biology", or the "Theory of Gravity"...

    To deny evolutionary biology, is to deny physics, nature, light, life, how it comes into existence, and how it changes...

    Taking "Creationism" to it's unscientific extreme, nothing in life can ever change...and everything lasts forever!

    Physical evidence has revealed QUITE the opposite!!!

    Just try and open your eyes, and observe the world around you, rather than focusing on imaginary stories about people who never existed!

  9. Have s*x with your spouse and see what comes out. If it is EXACT copy of you or your spouse then creationism is true. If it is not you'd better believe in natural selection and evolution.

    Why the heck am I trying. You are going to be weeded out by natural selection anyway.

  10. 1 in 10,950 is impossible odds?  

    The odds to winning the state lottery are 1 in 6 million, yet people do it on a regular basis.

    And all fossils DO NOT favor creation.  What about Archaeopteryx?  A dinosaur with feathers clearly showing their transistion into birds.

    Do your homework.

  11. Since you took the time to ask this question, I hope you take the time to REALLY read these answers and not just blow it off because you already made up your mind. Mabe something did "create" that first spark in the ether. But evolution is real and there is REAL evidence. I try to understand others beliefs because I find it usually supports my beliefs.

  12. Unfortunately, once some people get an idea in their head, it is very hard to change their mind otherwise, nomatter how much evidence you bring against it.

    In my personal opinion, I think the reason that they refuse to believe is because they don't want to admit that a God exist.

    Frankly I have seen plenty of evidence in the "theory" of creation, much, much more than "evidence" of Darwinism and Evolution. In fact, I don't think that one bit of their evidence "rings true". Every bit of "evidence" in one way or another has been disproven.

    Ken Ham is a good source on Creation-Evolution debate.

  13. "intermediate fossils fossils don't exist"

    It is like the argument that you can never get somewhere because you can always go half way an infinite number of times.  Obviously you can get to places and there are numerous examples of lineages that are traced over millions of years with new species radiating out of common ancestors.

    The so called brilliant scientists are distorting logic and not taking into account evolutionary pressure or selection of the most fit organism or chemical system.  It is irrelevant to 99% of the creationist argument, given the fact that life can be traced back billions of years to extremely simple organisms that no doubt to millions of years to evolve.  There is a steady progression through time as new species evolve and radiate into new species from existing forms.  Using a few mysterious origins due to an incomplete fossil record is like saying you can never arrive somewhere because you can go half way an infinite number of times.  It is just a distortion of logic.  A tiny gap in a vast array of fossils is meaningless to the larger picture.

  14. Didn't people who believe in God, evolve from people who didn't believe in God?

  15. Darwin basically had it right & although his theories have been basically proven, he missed a few things.  I'm an old man that is sickened by the self imposed ignorance perpetrated by creationists.  I see a propensity to deny science & obviously conclusive evidence by those wishing to return to the dark ages of supernatural belief & religious control.  I can only suggest some real research & that you & other creationists actually read some of the conclusive evidence supporting evolution.

    I also suggest you confine these ignorant posts to the religion board. Since the "theory of gravity" has less supporting evidence than does evolution, do you doubt gravity exists too?

  16. When I was in kindergarden, there where a group of kids that tossed stones at another group of kids ... So the teacher smartly told the kids that tossed stones to play in the other sandbox.  NOW ... Why can't Yahoo provide a sandbox for the for the "creationist", "Intelligent design", "The earth is flat" folks some where else and have them leave anthropology alone?

    These idiots have been asking these same stupid questions since 1860, and regardless of the evidence and patience of the well meaning people who have a real interest in where people come from and not the spooky stories told around a camp fire, these idiots come back with the SAME STUPID STUFF!!!

    I for one am hoping for the rapture ... so you flipping idiots will be gone.

  17. The theory of evolution as first put forth by Darwin has been fine-tuned to fit new evidence over the years; thus, there are no "Darwinists" who worship Darwin and refuse to disagree with him.  This is one of the major differences between science and religion.

    The fossil record is full of transitional species.  Re: "one in 10950," either show your work or admit that this "statistic," like so many others, was pulled out of your heiney.  That's all science is, really--showing your work.  Why do you find that so threatening?  

    Why do you think god wants you to be an uneducated, dogmatic fool?  If there is a god, do you believe he allowed humans to evolve such big brains for a reason?  

    Evolution has not been proven wrong and, barring new and very shocking evidence we haven't found yet, it never will be proven wrong.

  18. I have said it before and I'll keep on repeating it, I am NOT a creationist, so what I am about to say is completely and utterly unbiased.

    Could you three 'evolutionists' above (ben_of_m, Timepond and peternal) and any other evolutionist looking in, PLEASE, once and for all, instead of arrogantly and insultingly spouting off about the validity of evolution, PRODUCE OR INDICATE (without sending us all off on a wild goose chase through mountains of brain-washing misinformation) JUST ONE PIECE OF FOSSIL EVIDENCE THAT PROVES, "UNEQUIVOCALLY", THAT THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION IS A FACT. Please NAME it SPECIFICALLY, and let us all know EXACTLY where to find it.  

    Now, PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!!


    What ARE you evolutionists so afraid of that you give me so many 'thumbs down'.  It isn't a very good display of confidence in your beliefs, is it?

    Your answers to my question are so typically nosencical and utterly unacceptable.  You've FAILED AGAIN to come up with proof of evolution!!!

  19. I wonder if anyone has ever counted the accidents of nature from the big bang theory, and through all the billions of years just to get this planet fit to live in. There we were a lump of rock just spinning in space and just happened to be struck by a twin planet according to Geologist Ian Stewart, which just by accident happened to create our Moon, which just by accident happened to have the correct amount of iron trapped in its core, and so control our oceans and the four seasons of our years. All this even before all the stuff that just magically appeared on the face of the earth, to give us the first forms of life all by sheer accident of nature. it was just by pure accident that our earth settled where it did and began its orbital path round the sun, not to hot and not to cold, it was just right, with the great planet Jupiter to shield us from the majority of meteorites in the vicinity, letting only those through, which were beneficial to the earth, of course  all by accident. Now I don't know about you evolutionists, but I get a feeling that maybe, just maybe, there is someone or something giving all these accidents of nature a helping hand.

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