
Although lgbts are still somewhat segregated, what do you think about there being no "straight" category?

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First of all, let me apologize if there IS a "straight" category. I don't think the Singles and Dating counts though, because it doesn't strictly refer to heterosexuals only.

I was just wondering, with the segregation lgbts face, do you think it makes them more segregated because of the fact that there is no heterosexual category, and only a lgbt category, or do you think it makes them less segregated simply because there IS a lgbt section?




  1. um i dont really get it?

    every category is the straight category.

    what would the questions even be in a straight category?

    dating q's would be in singles and dating (because thats STRAIGHT category)

    religion would be in religion category.

    so in the glbt category the questions are about g*y related things.

    but every other category has predomanatly straight questions

  2. Except for us, they're ALL straight catagories!!  :@)

  3. OMG. I love love love Louis' answer!

  4. I would see it as unnecessary because straight is kind of the default

  5. Louis and Squirrel are right

  6. I totally agree with Louis and I'm not sure what "attitude" you're talking about. I think he's just being straight-up with you. It's true that most heterosexuals don't feel the pressure that lgbts do about being who they are. We're never going to sit our parents down, pray to God that they won't kick you out or disown you for being heterosexual.  

  7. They have dating and .... stuff...

    it's assumed to be straight people...

  8. Its terrible because straight people can't talk about all their problems associated with being straight. Like the pressures from family members and coming out straight and the prejudice they face for being straight. Its  a terrible thing...

    I just said the truth...wait the reverse of the truth. I didn't mean for it to sound bîtchy.

  9. being g*y is not normal and it never will be. deal with it


    That section by default is "straight".

  11. i agree with Louis!

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