
Altitude and running?

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I live in Cleveland and I run 5:20 for 1 mile and 11:20 for 2 mile. I am sixteen and I am running pretty well. However when my family and I go to Myrtle beach it is impossible to run well. It is not the heat because I ran early in the morning just like i do sometimes back in Cleveland. Does the drop in altitude ruin my performance?




  1. Altitude has alot to do with running preformance. In high altitudes the oxygen level is lower which makes it harer to run as fast because your muscles dont get as much oxygen.

  2. altitude does have alot to do with it. But infact it should be the other way around at lower altitudes the oxygen content in the air is higher which makes performance better and should increase your "fitness level" and visa versa at higher altitudes.
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