
Alton Towers for an 8 & 9 year old?

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Is there enough for 8 & 9 year old boys to do at Alton Towers to make the £200 it would cost (including travel, treats and food) worth it. Is there a lot of stuff too young for them and lots too old for them. The web site is no help.




  1. It depends on whether they are tall enough (over 1.4 m) and if they like fast/thrilling rides.

    If they are under 1.4m tall or don't like fast rides then there is no point, you would be done in about a hour, and Alton Towers is now Europe's most expencive theme park.

    If you can get there I would recomend Chessington-world of Adventures, because that is a theme park aimed at kids up to about 11 and is conciderably less expencive.

  2. Hmmm...IS it worth it?

    I'd say there would be plenty for a kid of that age to do but these rides etc have minimum height restrictions on almost all of them.

    His physical profile is what will count.

    A colleague of mine goes EVERY year and he has no kids. I think there's lots for everyone, but if it's a treat purely for the little fella, I'd take the chance - if you've got the necessary dough to spare.

    h**l, even I'M excited about this now.

    BTW my email is accessible now...

    Good luck

  3. Ok, children of any age love Alton Towers. I live about an hour away so it's not such a big cost for me, but I've been going since I was 10. They'll love it, as the rides go on height, not age, also, there is an entire area for younger children. If the boys don't like fast, furious thrill rides such as Oblivion, Rita or Nemisis I would advise you to leave it a little longer as these are the rides typical for that age range.

  4. I dunno, but I went to Alton Towers when I was 15 and it was hella fun :D

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