
Alton Towers never been on a roller coaster which ones shall i go on please help!!!!?

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PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Oblivion is great if you want a quick thrill as it has a vertical drop,  the corkscrew one is good for longer length and upside-down bits!

  2. They are all good at Alton Towers.

    Air- My favourite. The seats have your legs hanging down but then the bars come down over your legs and the whole thing tilts so your entire weight is on the bar and you go round the track like you're flying. Brilliant.

    Nemesis - Legs hanging down one. Pretty good, goes over rocks with red water that's supposed to look like blood.

    Rita, Queen of Speed - Does what it says on the tin. Normal, 'sit in' type coaster which goes at some immense speed. One thing though, if you're short (as I am) you run the risk of a bit of whiplash from the safety bar.

    Oblivion - Very short. The worlds only vertical drop rollercoaster. Pretty good but you'll probably only go on it once.

    Have fun, i love Alton Towers!!

  3. Air ! !  !

    Coooooooooooooool !

  4. The squirrel is extremely frightening

  5. I agree, all of them! It's so fun at Alton towers. Just have fun! Start off small then just go for it. Go for really exciting rides. I can't remember what it was called but it was basically a ride that just went incredibly fast suddenly. That was the ride I went on last when I went last summer. It really made my entire day really!

    It was something like... Rita? I don't remember god my memory is c**p. But yeah, Just enjoy it!

  6. u need to go on Oblivion seriously and air and nemesis and rita and don't go on HEX tho its cr*p


  8. all of them:




    all the other great ones

    also heres a list of all the coasters (ive never been there)

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