
Always care for other people's feelings more than myself?

by  |  earlier

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so much so that most times, I'll give up my money, health, & happiness to make other people feel good. & many times, i ask myself why did i do it? & i regret it. But i do it again & again next time around. what's wrong with me?




  1. you were over driven by your emotions.

  2. You are desperate for people to accept you and like you and be friends with you but sometimes say no to things! Don't worry people will like that you are expressing your true opinion!

  3. How can you properly care for other peoples' feelings if you do not know your own feelings first.

    In this world everything begins first, with knowledge of SELF  

  4. Nothing is wrong with you.

    You sound like a classic, people pleas-er and enabler .........not necessarily bad. The key is find a balance, set boundaries. It's difficult if you have been using this behavior for sometime, I know from my own experience.

    It is a good and noble thing to have the desire to help others, but in order to continue to do so, you also have to protect yourself, conserve energy if you will, if you give it all away you will end up empty with nothing to give away.

    Another important aspect of being a "people please-er and do gooder, is that I decide prior to doing or giving to and for others is if I am able to do it on a completely unconditional level?....without any expectations, if the answer is no, I don't do it.

    If I am able to give of my time, money and energy unconditionally I do so. This practice will assist you with not feeling regretful about what you do for others.  

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