
Always feel sick? Please can somebody give me some advice? ?

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Hi everyone. My problem is quite confusing and long. For years now i have been feeling sick. Its a burning, acidic sick feeling like im going to throw up every minute of everyday. Sometimes i just want to heave. I have been to the doctors so many times and all the tests come back clear. I am severly emetophobic too (scared of vomiting) and although i rarely throw up im terrified of it to the point of i wont eat when my stomach feels a little off. Im at the end of my tether. Im even scared to go on my holiday next week incase im sick. I just cant explain this constant nausea feeling. Its really bad. Any advice would be appreciated x*x




  1. Ok, so heres an answer from way out in left field.  Nausea could be caused by a problem with the ears theoretically.  If your sense of balance is off, you can feel nausea.  Ok, don't beat me, I'm headed back out to left field.  

  2. I used to have the same issue! I'm still emetophobic. All through middle school my friends were terrified I was anorexic b/c even slight nausea would make me not eat. What I learned is that anxiety can actually create acid in the back of your throat. I take an antacid and force myself to eat. For me, most of it was in my head. Just reassure yourself. It's fine. You might want to see a therapist, he/she may be able to help you more that an MD.  

  3. You really need to be persistent with your doctor. You say it has been like that for years?? :O If your doctor does nothing again, try going to see a different one.

    Thats not normal.

  4. You didn't say, so I'll ask. Are you keeping logs of what you eat and when you feel worse? Are you on any medications? Do you practice stress management? Do you have any other migraine symptoms (as migraines are difficult to diagnose and can cause pain in other parts of the body, including nausea)? Does anyone else in your household feel this way; or, if you live alone, have you considered the toxicity of items in your home?

    These are questions, that in my personal experience, doctors rarely ask; yet, they can lead to possible causes of unusual health problems.

    If you search on "constant nausea", you'll find several other sites where people asked and answered similar questions.

  5. Hello Laura Jayne,

    You said, "Its a burning, acidic sick feeling".

    You may have acid build up.  Maybe taking Tums or some other medication to help acid will help you feel better.  There are also antiemetics to help the nausea.  I also have Emetophobia.  I am so sorry you have felt sick for so long.  Talk to your doctor about maybe taking something to settle your stomach.  I hope you will feel better soon.  

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