
Always have the 'what if i'm in their shoes'...?

by  |  earlier

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...thought would really make us a wiser/better friends or person? What do u think? Share with me please... Thanks.




  1. To >always< look at things from the other persons perspective is very time consuming and it's not practical in every day life. Do I really need to think about how the life of the mailman, the cab driver, my neighbor, the waiter at my lunch restaurant and so on is? I don't think so. There is really no need for me or anyone else to think about how it would be like to walk in the shoes of people that we don't know and never will interact with. Also all the time spent thinking about how it would be like to be them is time we could have spent on more important things. So >always< isn't practical.

    On the other hand we should take the time to reflect over the persons that we do interact with on a more personal basis. When we take the time to try and understand the other person then it makes it easier to avoid misunderstanding and unnecessary conflict. When we take the time to view things from different angles we'll be more fair and just and that's one step on the way of being a good person.

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