
Always sleepy at school, but nowhere else...?

by  |  earlier

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I get about 8 hours of sleep before I go to school every day, but for a while, it has been extremely hard to stay awake in class. I can come home and be fine, and I'm fine when I'm driving to school, but as soon as I get in class I get extremely sleepy... I've had a full physical, and blood test, and they came back normal. I eat breakfast in the mornings, and take One a Day multi-vitamin. I'm 17, and I'm a junior in High School, going to bed around 10:00 p.m. and waking up about 5:45 a.m. and neither myself or my parents have any idea what's wrong, or what to do.




  1. Its because school is boring and you have to sit and not move pretty much all day

  2. Are you bored at school?

  3. dont skip breakfast - its the most important meal of the day

  4. you hate school. you think its boring. i'm like that and im homeschooled.  

  5. I think it's the 5:45 a.m. that's doing it. 7 1/2 hours asleep isn't really that great, + that's not natural for any human being to wake up that early.  

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