
Always to good of a friend or like a brother?

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For so long now, I always get the...

"Oh, but I think of you more as a friend"


"You are too close of a friend"

...I don't mean to be the "friend" that's just who I am, I'm a nice guy, I wouldn't try to change myself to change that...

Every time someone enters my life, someone who was special to me...I am a friend, and when they get to know me more, I am too good of a friend...I spend time and time again, trying to show these girls that mean so much to me what kind of person I can be...and I'm like a brother , or...too good of a friend...

do all the all other guys who have this problem .. does this ever change or are we always the nice guy or the brother?




  1. for some reasons girls put guys into 2 groups when they meet them..

    The possible BF material


    The friend

    I dont know why we do it i guess it comes naturally to us. Just try to meet new girls and you'll find someone....

    good luck

  2. I think it's because they don't want to ruin the friendship that you guys already have. I mean, in time, I'm sure they'll realize how good of a guy you really are, and might fall for you, but pal, that's life. It's always unfair, and that's just how it's gonna be...

    Try asking out a girl you don't know so well. She might say yes since she can't say, "I think of you as a friend" or "too good of a friend" since she won't know you so well...

  3. you know usually when a girls says something like that that is the nice way of telling you they are not interested. but really one day a girl is going to see more than that. i always go after the guys that most girls wouldn't. not saying this is you but everyone tells me i date the "dorky" guys. or that i'm way cuter than my guys. but honestly the nice guys are the best guys and all the other girls are missing out.

  4. Yep, I've had the same problem. You just have to be more forward to these women and to flirt and not always be the nice guy. Good luck.

  5. Sadly, you do get that a lot while you are young.  There are some girls who are aware enough that they will be interested in more.  As the women, who couldn't see past their friend, age they often start to see the value of loving that "too good of a friend."  I don't know if that will be good enough for you.  But for me, I couldn't fall in love with a women that I'm not very close friends with.

  6. maybe you're looking at the wrong girl... if you ever like a girl again and she said you're like a brother to them then move on and find someone else

  7. approach them off the bat as more then a friend.  Once you get them close to you, it's too late.  

  8. i get this alot  due to i hang out with basicly all men  an work with me i am told i am like one of the guys we will be out an they will be looking at another girl an then i have a awkward moment an they are like lynn u are just like one of the guys you dont act like a girl your like a sister  i dont dress like a man i dress like a girl act like a lady an still get it. i just hope it stops soon lol

  9. bro, lol this exact same thing happens to me 24/7 ur not alone

    im a really nice guy too, like my best friend is a girl tht my whole city finds attractive. and they cant seem to see why i dont use her for s*x

    "NIce guys finish last" that saying couldnt be anymore true

    ill tell you exactly what my bestfriend told me

    she said" theres so many s***s and b*****s out there, they cant relize and dotn derserve a guy as nice and amazing as you"

    dont worry youll find sum1, i just found out like 5 girls like me?

    im sure someone has feelings for you. girls are just more secretive

    goodluck man.

  10. Sometimes  girls mean it but other times its just a cover up. I use it all the time! lol

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