
Alzheimer : Parkinson : Neurosis OR Multiple Sclerosis... Is there any Call in Med' SCIENCE.?

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Need to every sufferer's concern to be blessed with a wonderful remedy to gain relief from these dreaded diseases' Any decent and discreet options available in or beyond Medical Science in feild of Neurogenesis, because as understood the Neurons are the chief culprits behind these diseases !

( Good Answer :

apart, Promise to have 10 pionts, Divine will Shine on Answerer )




  1. There is evidence that these diseases can be caused by infection.

    Therefore antibioticic treatment may be advised by some doctors.

  2. -

    Dementia : Alzheimer - Autism - Schizophrenia - Parkinson - & - Neurogenetic Disease or Neurosis OR Multiple Sclerosis


    With High Reverence to all the great endeavours contributed for the enhancity of a better Human' Science, as my tribute to all the cocnerned Scientific League & Community, hereby I feel essential to mention as my most humble suggestion for a sincere adherence at the constructive & lucubrated end, with an appeal to explore more of Neuro's Quantum Soup & Chaos which holds the encrypted answers to all of the Mental-Problems that we happen to spell as captioned above... "DEMENTIA : Alzheimer - Autism - Schizophrenia - Parkinson - & - Neurogenetic Disease or Neurosis OR Multiple Sclerosis".

    I, the humble'self, am an exponent : initiator : practician in the domain of "Cosmic Efficacy & Tithonicity", eatrapolated the Beingness of a Para'Being "TITHONS" which is indeed the building constituent of  "all of Atomic, Nuclear & Quantumic Extants"

    On the analytic & lucubrational appraoch in field of PIEZOPHOTONICS [ where Photons are at Work-in-Progress as a Vibrational Energy, constituting to built all of Quantum Energy & Entitites}, with an heuristic delves and empiricism in relevance to Biology and / or Human'Science... in short its called and known as PARAPHYSICS in the domain of ASTRAL SCIENCE... Piezophotincs offers a host of engendering an interminable inter-relativity of Photonic interactivity as a sempiternal process of the Soul that exist in a Being, as a Quantum Creativer Act , aheading on its Evolutionary Journey to have a Spiritual Leap to Discarnate the Body of  its Beingness. Piezophotonics, in context to Humankind, is to extrapolated as BIO'PIEZOPHOTONICS

    Hereby I do feel my indebitedness to perform my duty  to register my message to be read as hereunder :-

    All of or any DISEASE, at large is but either a Symptom and/or an Effect as a product of inherent manifestation {predisposiveness] of its own innate & intrinsic source at quantum level of an Extant as a beingness which is termed to be called and known as a CAUSE. All of Cosmos & Nature, both, works on a Uni-principle of Cause & Effect Continuum. So is the Disease, as a minion-part of being a Nature'Product.

    In this 'Quantum World Of Beingness'  ... in the Cellular existence of Humankind, the allied and varied, but distinctive Extants are in pleroma & plerosis (fulness)to create all of Genome, not only the genes (1 lac) unto neuclosomes (30 millions) and neuclotides ( 3 to 4 billions)... But much beyond at an imponderable state of Piezophotonics where Photons & Positrons are at Work... ; in the subtlety of Quantum-myriad unto the exquistie Permutation & Combination of TITHONS, which are the building constituents of Quantum Chromodynamics. These TITHONs rules the Orderliness of the NEURONS unto the NEURO-TRANSMITTERs to enable their catering of Cosmic Efficacy & Tithonicity, building an inherency and intrinsicity of the Qualitativity of Beingness of a particular Being. Corroboratively, the entire delves, lucubrations and empiric processes have to be attuned and aligned before we can find a Positive Call to treat & heal ~ both,  as a redressals to have a supplementary answer to "DEMENTIA : Alzheimer : Autism : Schizophrenia : Parkinson : Neurogenetic Disease or Neurosis OR Multiple Sclerosis"

    Indeed, these TITHONS are the genesis of/for/by Thermal-Valuity, ruling the role-providence and an Orderliness of The Beingness, which we happen to address as Consciuosness, that happens to be "an intergral and consubstantial Element" for all of the Cosmos, may it be an atom or a unison of Stars as a Galaxy or much beyond unto the Universe as One, or may it be a Human Cells, Tissues, Genes or Neuclotides or Neuclosomes, and even much within unto the imponderable depths that decide our worth and values of Beingness. An OMNIJECTIVITY  i.e. the Ubiquity of Tithons...   is the only & alone Signature...  where the Imponderabilities of Macrocosm and Microcosm are the exquisite alikes.

    As such, the most needed, rather the indispensable cognitives, may be conceptive percepts or perceptive concepts, in this field of Piezophotonics {more specific to call : "Bio'Piezophotonics"} is to be learnt, known and thereof prudently accepted on its approval as an organised body of Knowledge to enhance the rate of Adopts, Adapts, Adepts and Applicatives to measure and instrument, impart and implement, may be to gain and attain a confirmed position that can not only Cure, but also offer a host of itslef to Heal all of the so-said Disease "DEMENTIA : Alzheimer - Autism - Schizophrenia - Parkinson - & - Neurogenetic Disease or Neurosis OR Multiple Sclerosis".

    "These lucubrated studies needs a cogent responsiveness and a honourable awakening for all the concerned savants, meta-physicians and polymaths in field of Piezophotonics on path of Para'Physics dealing sense and essence in the indepths of Tithons amongst the mist of Quantum soup & cha

  3. I believe a lot of these conditions are brought on by what you put into your body. Example silver fillings consist of 6% silver the rest is mercury which is one of the worse types of heavy metal poisoning that one can come in contact with. A lot of dentist don't use them anymore but there are still quite a few who do. In fact the use of silver fillings has been banned in many states think about it, why is that? When this type of filling is put into one of your teeth it actually has a direct   source right to your blood stream. Mercury fillings will leak out gases over time releasing the poison into your system. Mercury has been linked to autism in children because they use to use it in a lot of the shots that kids generally get. In fact it is the number one culprit of multiple Sclerosis it has also been linked to Alzheimer's and parkinson's disease. It's a conspiracy to keep people sick so that the pharmaceutical company's as well as all of the Doctor's stay in business. The goverment has even resorted to putting mercury into flu shots now. So if you don't want a good chunk of these disease's be careful what you stick in your body. Do your own research

  4. Treatment for

    PARKINSONISM  :Levo Dopa

                                Dopamine agonists

                                MAO-B INHIBITORS

                                SURGERY &DEEP BRAIN STIMULATION

                                STEM CELL transplantation is promising

    MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS : interferon beta -1a injections    

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