
Am 23 old .. and i cant concentrate in anything ... my mind is deviating and always ?

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am 23 old .. and i cant concentrate in anything ... my mind is deviating and always think of something if i think any comedy am laughing myself... and am not feel sleep in the night too..... and thinking negatively... what can i do...?




  1. The problem is that you're putting too much of your attention on thinking about the past and future instead of the present. Check out this book:

  2. Adhd comes to mind.

    I use 10 mg of adderall xr, and for sleeping I use melatonin. Melatonin is OTC. Adderall XR is not.

  3. u might have ADD (attention dificiency disorder).you have to see a doctor for some medication or treatment.additionally you can try resolving your problem by ;

    1)meditating (20 mins a day)

    2)eat Indian herb called "BRAHMI" for ADD

    3)eat Indian herb called "GOTU KOLA"...good for brain

    regular meditation really helps to build a good positive and clear beginning it maybe very can help your self by eating only vegetarian food for sometime during your meditation session.try out for a month or two and see the difference!

  4. mayb ur not gettin enough counsellin or change ur diet and  sleep habits

  5. Research the benefits of meditation and decide whether it's for you.  I suggest you read, "Wherever You Go, There You Are" by Jon Kabat-Zinn.

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