
Am I A Good Basketball Player?

by  |  earlier

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Ok This video was last summer.

this summer I am 5'10 and 14 years old.

I am going into 9th grade.

I play EVERYDAY at a park by my house with a whole bunch of people, pretty much everyday I am the youngest kid but one of the premier shooters. Im kinda small compared to all these grown men and varsity ballers but i hold my own.

I will probably play JV as a Freshman and I play AAU ball every year.

I Average between 12-20ppg in both leagues




  1. yup practice practice practice i use to do the samething and thats how i got good you should play everyday trust me ull get better and better each day especially if u play with older men.

  2. No

  3. I think calling yourself a "phenom" might be a stretch, but you look like you have some skills.  Keep practicing, it looks like you have the potential to be a really good baller.

  4. pretty good keep on  practicing and youl be fine and i suggest u try driving a lil bit more often

  5. Yeah man your a good bball player.

  6. yeah your pretty good. but i could outscore you any day =P

  7. thats good. but i do that everyday

  8. yea pretty good. but if all you can do is shoot i could beat you all day. work on driving.

  9. you got a pretty good shot just keep practicing and remember to work on those free throws and dribbling skills:D

  10. your pretty good but u need to get to be a better ball handler, driver, and probably start ur shot at a high release point. but dont reajust ur whole shot. im 14 also and i had to work on the same thing. i think u mite be able to take me. maybe

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