
Am I A Summer, Winter, Spring, or fall?

by  |  earlier

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i don't get that whole thing so, what am I?

I have very dark brown hair, medium, chocolaty, honey colored brown eyes and medium colored skin (not fair, but not tan either).

thank you!!!! :)

oh yeah! and what type of makeup should i use like, what color of blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, etc.




  1. fall

  2. Fall.  

  3. ur a fall im a summer so make-up wise i have no idea

  4. I'd say you are a fall.   You want to use brown tones for your eyeshadow and orangey blush and lip color.   But that doesn't mean you have to limit yourself to them.  It just brings out your natural color more.

  5. You are a fall.

    Just my image though...

    Blue, green or pink-purplish color on your eye, then you can be a spring...dont know...just guess.

  6. no such thing.

    Colours are to be enjoyed according to your eye colour, skin tone, and what you dare to apply on your face.

    summer winter spring autumn colours..are nonsense...

    no such thing in modern makeup....

  7. The whole "season" thing is just a lot of silliness.

    It sounds as if you have warm skin tones. By warm, I mean yellow based. So, go for colours that are warm. Browns, bronzes, golds, warm rose or pinks. (Some pinks are cool, some warm, go for warm.) For liner, I would go with dark espresso browns, or shimmery bronze golds. Black for drama in the evening. Mascara, try brown-black.  

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