
Am I Actually Doing This Wrong? Getting my daughter off the bottle....?

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Today is the first day i am starting to get my 15 month old daughter off the bottle, It is 8am, and Im not totally taking away her bottle, I just put water in it, instead of milk, And I put milk in a Nuby Sippie Cup. She want both of them, but she keeps going to the sippie cup for the milk, Ive read some other peoples stories, and asked advice, but i think this one is right for my daughter. My husband seems to be getting very upset with me about this, Our daughter Obviously wants her baba with milk in it, and he wants to give it to her, but i want to start getting her off the bottle. He is making me feel horrible about this, Am i doing this wrong? How else should i go about this? Any thing really would help.






  1. Your husband is making you feel horrible about trying to stop your daughter from using a bottle?  He should be helping you with this not putting you on a guilt trip.  Does he expect her to have a bottle forever?  Tell him the longer you wait the harder it is and her teeth are going to go bad as well.  Talk to him about dentist bills--lol.  It sounds like you are on the right track, breaking in the sippy cup but still having the bottle around at first.  Just slowly start taking her water bas away.  I didn't give my son a lot of juice but when he wanted his bottle and was throwing a fit for one i always gave him a juice tippy and this seemed to help.  It was like a sweet treat for him and helped him forget about his bottle.  Keep strong mommy and good luck

  2. first of dont feel horrible just think your daughter will have better teeth if you take her off the bottle. Also its easier to take her off when she is younger rather then older. I took my daughter off the bottle at 12 months and basically went cold turkey. First I took the day time bottles away and gave her the night time bottle for about 2 weeks and then took that away 2. My daughter didnt fuss or anything its like she didnt even notice it was gone. I think the mistake you might be making is giving her the option of the sippy or the bottle. Its like you are teasing her with the bottle because she can have it but not with milk (no offence). I think you should give her one or the other at one time. Decide when you will give her the bottle and when you will give her the sippy and then slowly take more and more bottles away. Good luck.

  3. we let my nephew stay on the bottle until he pulled the nipple out and then we packed up the bottles and gave him a sippy but he was 18 months old

  4. No, don't feel horrible. It's good that you want her off the bottle and its good that you are starting now, before she turns two.

    Babies are all differrent, i started my daughter when she was about 13 months old, she is now 19 and it's been about 2 weeks since she hasn't asked for her bottle.

    You can try, but if she isn't ready, don't be disappointed. BUT defently don't have hubby give in and give it to her. If she can go a few days without it, chances are, she'll forget all about it.

    What i did, was got a really cheap training bottle (with a nipple) at the looney store. The ones you buy at the looney store for some reason, the nipple sucks in and she can't drink from it. As it was just as much of a pain in the **** for me, i think it annoyed the h**l out of her. Then all of a sudden, one day i tried giving her milk in her sippy cup (she never drank milk out of her sippy) and she took it. Tried it at night, she took it again. So you can try something like that.

    But just be patient, she will get off it when she is ready for it.

  5. half milk and half water, tomorrow 3 quaters water and one quater milk, each day add more and more water and less and less milk.

    X Good Luck and God Bless X

  6. i just took it away i let mine have it at breakfast and bedtime only then cut t down to bed time and they gae it up themself by the age of 2.

  7. You both need to do what's comfortable for you both.  I took my son off the bottle at 6months because I listened to the doctor and i wish i hadn't

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