
Am I Becoming Anorexic? Please help.?

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Hi Im a fourteen year old girl. I weigh 118 and Im 5'7''. I have a BMI of 18.7. Um well this may seem kinda sad but I'm really obsessed with looking skinny and losing weight. I dont eat very much and I exercise every day. I have a lot of mood swings. Also Im always hungry. I know that its unhealthy and I should be happy with where I am but if you havent gone through this yourself then you dont know how it feels. Please help me! Because I know some things wrong, its the only thing on my mind anymore.




  1. Seek professional help.  Even if you have to find it on your own.  Your school counselor should be able to help if you talk to them, also, you may want to talk to your family doctor.  Obsessing over anything isn't healthy, and I've been there too.

    It might help to channel your energy into eating the RIGHT things.  Research proper diet and nutrition, and maybe take some classes on it.  Those things combined (Doctor and knowledge) should have you on the road to successfully maintaining a healthy weight!

  2. You're anorexic if you look in the mirror and see yourself as fat, don't eat in front of anyone, and are obsessed with calories and how much goes into your body. If you think you may be anorexic though, I think you should talk to your parent or guardian maybe a close friend or sibling.

    Try eat, don't think about what's going into your body and eat. Healthy of course, but know that you can stay thin by eating three healthy and balanced meals a day and excersize.

    Again, don't be afraid to talk and get help if you are anorexic.

    Good luck (and I hope you get better)


    Call Me Dex

  3. It's probably good you're at least trying to get help. Finding help is the first step. I know what you're going through because I'm going through the same thing.

    Tell your parents, they should understand. If they don't, they will at least want to help you anyway, because they love you. Good luck.

  4. It sounds as if you are headed down that path.  I am about your height and have weighed as little as 115 and as much as 199.  My preferred weight is 121-130, with 130 being more realistic for my age (early middle age).  But I remember not seeing myself as so skinny like everyone else saw me and even being upset at 119 because I wasn't 115 anymore.  I was 15 at the time.  

    I would call on you to do two things: one, be sure to do ab exercises.  Pilates is great.  If you ab muscles are tight, it will give you the appearance of having a flat tummy, and if your abs aren;t tight, then no weight matters, one meal and the belly poofs out due to gasses from the food. The other thing you can try is considering medication for OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder.  You need to talk to a doctor.  Anorexic will steal your youth from you, and when you finally recover and have a decent social life, you'll have missed your teens and early 20's.  Please seek help.

  5. I've struggled with that eating disorder for over 3 years and I can definitely understand what you may be going through right now. It's a tough thing to combat, but it is totally worth it in the future. It's better to actually have a chance at life that go through that and maybe die from it- trust me on that. I would suggest that you tell someone that you trust about your concerns, a friend or a trusted adult would be the best. Tell them what you have just expressed above, and just talk with them. They can help you get the help you need to get healthy (body and mind). I hope this helped. Stay strong, and stop this horrible disease while it's young. You don't want to live with it. Good luck!

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