
Am I Big and Beautiful?

by  |  earlier

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Besides losing weight, what else can I do to improve my physical appearance?






  1. ehh. ur okayy. but u really need to fix the browsss.  

  2. you are really pretty.

  3. You're very pretty! I would try straightening your hair :]

  4. no ur fat and ugley :)  

  5. you actually are pretty!

    you should totally go caramel blond!

  6. You are pretty.


    But your eyebrows look a little messed up.

    You should let them grow out and then get them done professionally.

    I also think you'd look good with a darker brown hair color.

  7. Do something about your eyebrows.  

  8. you're gorgeous, girl, flaunt it

    the only thing i'd say is clean up your eyebrows

    it looks like you plucked them too much and not neatly enough

    but other than that, you are big and beautiful :) i'm too skinny and jealous :(

  9. i agree.  get your eyebrows waxed at a salon, it really isn't too expensive at all.  and your eyeliner seems to look like its fading and smearing a bit, try using revlon colorstay.

  10. you're really pretty. maybe grow your hair longer and straighten it.

    help me?;...  thanks.

  11. pretty and curvy is not look o.k. to me.

  12. Of course you are big & beautiful. Anyway,can you smile with teeth in pictures if you don't mind?

  13. Yes you are!

    I love your eyes!

    You should enhance your eyes with makeup!

    A white light grey eyeliner!

    Some cobalt blue eyes shadow!

    And white glitter eye shadow to go over the blue would be pretty!

    For your physical appearance smile! Do more poses that will show off your big BEAUTIFUL! Body!

    Good Luck!


    Vanessa <3  

  14. simple things that you can change,

    umm I'd say get a fringe in your hair definitly, like a choppy side one but not like a dead straight across your forehead one cos that would look a bit awful haha

    maybe wax your eyebrows?

    and wear mascara because you have a really nice eye colour and it'd make them stand out more :]

    also I think your hair would look really nice if you dyed it a light shade of brown :)

    also it's up to you I don't know how much you weigh but it looks to me like you don't need to lose any weight, unless you really want to you are big and beautiful.

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